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Minutes 4.5.22

Today we started making a Fair trade wall display so we started of with Rosie and Katherine  doing the banner. Olivia and josh doing  poems. Adam c Isla, Rosanna, Valentina and Nevah  doing Fair trade photos are Helping put up the display up. They have been working all towards the display and having some fun with this topic.  They were searching for fair trade stuff to draw and to make.  When it was fair trade fortnight they collected wrappers that had the fair trade symbol that was made from all from fair trade wrapping like:Oreo,co-op milk chocolate,sugar,malti grain crackers ext.

Minutes 27th of October 2021

>Looking at last years action plan

>Watch video to help understand  what Fair Trade is and how it helps poor farmers

>Brain storm ideas to promote Fair Trade in school

>Share ideas to vote on the best

>Fair Trade day bring in snacks that are Fair Trade, wear Fair Trade colours, posters, song and comic strip

>Make a video about Fairtrade for assembly or SeeSaw

Meeting on Wednesday 5th February

At today’s meeting Thomas took minutes to say that we discussed:

  • How to promote Fairtrade Fortnight which begins at the end of February.
  • Running a tuckshop for Fairtrade Fortnight
  • How to advertise this event.
  • How to get things to sell at the event
  • The possibility of speaking to pupils at Assembly to tell them about Fairtrade Fortnight.

Here are some things we have decided to do right away:

  • Ask Miss McGregor how we will get the money to buy things to sell at our tuckshop.
  • Choose things to sell at the tuckshop.
  • Make posters to advertise our tuckshop.
  • Write scripts, make PowerPoints and devise a rota for Assembly visits.

This could be a lot of fun!

First Meeting of the Fairtrade group

Our Fairtrade group met up for the first time on Wednesday 15th January.  Mrs Galt led a discussion about Fairtrade, telling us how important it is and how we can raise awareness.  We shared our knowledge of Fairtrade and listed items which we have bought, which had the Fairtrade logo on it.  We also spoke about shops which support Fairtrade goods. We allocated roles to the Primary 7s and learnt about what happens in a meeting in school and in the workplace. We learnt some new words i,e, minutes and agenda. We are all ready to think about our action plan and the things we hope to achieve this term.