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minuets 18.5.22

Today we started off with learning about international family day which was on Sunday 15th May.

  • So we started it offwith a quick YouTube video then we went on to a PowerPoint. then they started talking about biological parents  and adoption also who is caring about them like a mum and mum or dad and dad  step mum  and not to judge who is in peoples family.
  • Next they started talking about who could be in the family picture on the board. as Mrs miller says as family isn’t just mum dad brothers sisters it could be one parent and one child.
  • They started to play guess who and they will get 1 family member each and they have to guess who that person is in that family and one person looks at there own and makes up some clues to the group.
  • They are now moving on to picking there own task so they are picking between family selfie  a and a couple family tree and they can add leaves to the tree with the name and age and what they look like.
  • Finished Family Trees shared

Minuets 4.5.22

Today we started making a fair trade wall display so we started off with Rosie and Cathryn doing the banner. Olivia and josh doing  poems. Adam c Isla, Rosanna, Valentina and Nevah  doing fair trade photos are Helping put up the display up. They have been working all towards the display and having some fun with this topic.  They were searching for fair trade stuff to draw and to make.  When it was fair trade fortnight they collected wrappers that had the fair trade symbol that was made from all from fair trade wrapping like:Oreo,co-op milk chocolate,sugar,malti grain crackers ext.

24 November Fairtrade meeting 2

Group 1- Create Fairtrade posters- Symbol-What it is-How it can help

Group 2- Write a song about Fairtrade- They are writing the song around Bad Habits tune

Group 3- Create a power point about Fairtrade using the things they have learned and the things that they research- It includes: Fair price,         Helping farmers in poorer countries-their families,      What products can we buy?,     Show symbol clearly on power point

These groups will continue to finish before the next meeting, the song will be finished to be handed off to the P2.