Rex and Curly

Rex and Curly had such a fantastic time visiting the boys and girls in P1c that they have decided to go travelling themselves!

We were lucky enough to receive a postcard and a selfie of them updating us on their adventures so far.

“Dear P1c,

We are having a fantastic time in PARIS! We have visited the Eiffel Tower and made lots of new friends. We miss you all very much.

Au revoir!

Lots of love,

Curly and Rex”


Just a little reminder that toys are not allowed at school. We would hate for any much loved toys to get damaged or lost and so we ask that these stay at home for the duration of the school day.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Miss Cunning and Miss MacInnes

Common Word Games

What an incredible array of common words games Primary 1 have made for their 2 week projects!

We had a fantastic morning telling each other about our games and playing them with our friends.

Miss Cunning and Miss MacInnes loved to see the effort everyone has made and how well everyone shared and played the games together.

Common words are so important and it is hugely beneficial to rehearse these as much as possible at home. We have allowed the boys and girls to take these super games home with them to keep practising with and hope that everyone will be able to share ideas from today of other common words activities you can play at home!


Term 2 Overview

The following link will take you to a copy of our Term 2 overview. This will provide you with an idea of the curricular areas and content we will be covering this term and ways you can support your child at home.

Term 2 Planning Overview 

Many thanks!

Miss Cunning and Miss MacInnes

Under the Sea

We have chosen our new topic for this term and decided we would like to learn more about life Under the Sea.

We thought of some questions we would really love to find the answers to:

We had lots of questions about sharks so this week we decided to learn more about them. Did you know sharks can have up to 5 rows of teeth? Amazing!

We also made our own incredible shark pictures:

So many super shark faces!

Kandinsky art

We have been studying the art of Wassily Kandinsky. He used lots of colour and shape to create amazing abstract art. Kandinsky listened to the music of Wagner to inspire his work so we had a go at doing the same!

Whilst listening to Wagner, we created our own versions of “Squares with Concentric Rings”

What do you think of our masterpieces?

Speech Bubbles

In class, we have been learning about speech bubbles and how to use them.

We imagined what some of the characters in our story might say!

Such super sounding out – fantastic work!

Nativity Show: Request!

Please can we ask that children come to school in a polo shirt tomorrow (Thursday 4th December) as we will be changing into costumes for the big show!

Can we also ask that children wear clothing that is easy to change out of in preparation for the evening performance along with a pair of plain shoes (e.g. school shoes).

Many thanks – enjoy the show!

Nativity Show

We have all been working so hard in Primary 1 to get ready for our Nativity Show ‘Born in a Barn’!

Thank you so much for all your support in learning song words and speaking parts at home.

Can we please ask that any costumes that have not yet been handed in are done so by Monday 2nd December as our first dress rehearsal is on Tuesday.

Many thanks!

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