Multiplication clapping game


Here is a short clip of one of the many ways we learn our times tables, your child will be able to teach this game to a grown up or sibling at home.

We are also continuing our work on time this week. Quarter past and to, please point out digital clocks to your child, especially quarter to as it is tricky.


Thank you!

Fairtrade Fortnight

Dear Parent/Carer,

Our Fairtrade Pupil Group members have been working very hard to promote Fairtrade Fortnight which starts on Monday 24 February and finishes on Sunday 8 March 2020.

As preparation for Fairtrade Fortnight the Primary 4 pupil group members conducted a survey to find out which treats children would like to buy at the tuck shop we are planning to run. A subgroup of Primary 5s created posters to advertise the tuck shop around the school. The older members of the pupil group will be giving a speech and showing a PowerPoint to the rest of the school to raise awareness of Fairtrade. The Primary 7 members created a rota for the tuck shop (see below).

We would like to invite children to bring in cash to buy a Fairtrade treat from the tuck shop. We will be offering Geobake chocolate chip cookies, a variety of Divine chocolate bars and Fairtrade Jellybeans. The tuck shop will be running from Monday 2nd March until Friday 6th March. All items are £1.10 so please send your child with the correct amount if possible.

  • Monday 2nd March – Primary 1 and Primary 2
  • Tuesday 3rd March – Primary 3
  • Wednesday 4th March – Primary 4 and Primary 5
  • Thursday 5th March – Primary 6
  • Friday 6th March – Primary 7

Fair Trade Tuck Shop

Yours sincerely,

Fairtrade Pupil Group

Homework (3a.1 and 3a.2)

New homework grids will be given out on Monday 24th, please stick these into the homework jotters. You can use the remainder of this week to complete the previous grid.  Many thanks, Mrs K and Miss O 🙂

P3a.1 Update

We have had such a busy Monday, working on the tricky Ch (chorus) sound and learning how to tell the time to quarter past. Homework jotters are updated and in the bags, please continue to complete the bingo grid and phonics grid. We started to plan our imaginative piece of writing this afternoon, ready to write tomorrow. Please encourage your child to discuss their ideas with you tonight. The premise is that they have finally completed their Rubik’s cube and on that final click something magical happens….

P3a2 😊

A big well done to everyone for working so hard on your homework presentations 👏🏼 I loved seeing your creations and PowerPoints #proud

We were also busy designing an app this afternoon. You can find more info at

I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend 😄

Miss O’Neill

Symmetrical Art Afternoon

A busy afternoon taking an artistic look at symmetry in real-life. What a brilliant job #proud.

P3a2 update

We have been very busy over the past couple of weeks working hard as usual in literacy and maths 😊 We’ve had visitors in talking to us about healthy eating and designing apps. We also got to taste some Chinese food and design teapots to celebrate Chinese culture week 🍜☕️ We’ve had so much fun exploring 1980’s toys and reading comics and even created some 80’s inspired pop art 🎨

Have a lovely weekend 😊

Miss O’Neill

P.S. If you haven’t already, then please return homework jotters on Monday for consolidation week.



We have been learning about symmetry this week. We have looked at symmetry in real-life, in shapes, patterns and pictures.

UWS Nurses Visit p3

We learned about healthy eating, food groups and snack swap ideas.

School Show Auditions 2020

Lion King Auditions 2020

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