23rd March – Home learning

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well rested and you enjoyed the weekend sunshine. Click on the link to see your home learning tasks for today. You can upload  pictures of your work to Seesaw for me to review. Please remember the internet safety rules and do not include people in your pictures.

23rd March

A Special Visitor


Today we had a special visitor from https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/rehoming/?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIl6vJ0vyP6AIVA53VCh3G1wrmEAAYASAAEgL3kvD_BwE  teaching us how to look after a pet dog.

can you guess what we are doing?


World Book Day

Some pictures of our World Book Day props.


Literacy – Sentence Expansion

P4 have been busy writing expanded sentences about this gorgeous image of the girl and her dragon. We added information to the sentences the teacher gave us to make them more interesting.

Girl and Dragon Sentence Expansion

Reflective Reading – The Nothing to See Here Hotel

P4 have really enjoyed reflective reading activities linked to our class novel, The Nothing to See Here Hotel. We imagined we had stayed at the hotel and wrote Tripadvisor reviews. Here are some sentences that really impressed Mrs H and made her LOL!

nothing to see here hotel reviews

P4 Assembly

Thank you for coming along to our assembly and helping us practise our lines. Enjoy looking through the photos. See if you can find your own coupon!

Outdoor Learning – Numeracy

Today we went outside for some extra Numeracy time. We collected objects and shared them into equal groups. Check out our hard work in the photos below.

Science – Electricity

Today we were learning all about circuit symbols. We used the equipment to build a simple circuit and light up a bulb. Check out our complete circuits below.

Literacy – Sentence Expansion

Today we have been working on expanding our sentences.  This is a great activity to try out at home using your favourite books. Take a simple sentence and add more information to it. You can also try using different conjunctions to expand your sentences.

Look at some amazing examples in the pictures below.

Brilliant Activities Year 3 page 25 – 37 – Poem – Whose tracks are these sentence expansion activity

Outdoor Learning – Science

Today we took advantage of the rain to do some raindrop art. We coloured sheets of paper and then spattered water over them to see the colours spread through to the other side. Look at our rocking rainbows!

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