Spreading Positivity

Through our bounce back ability topic we have been exploring the power of positivity and spreading kindness. Today we took the opportunity to write anonymous positive messages and compliments for our peers to brighten their day.

Some of our lovely positive messages:

Receiving our messages:


A little kindness goes a long way…

We have spoken a lot about the importance of showing kindness throughout primary 7 and discussed the positive impact that this can have on others.

Just a little reminder that as well as being kind to others, remember to be kind to yourself 😊!


3 Week Homework Project- Science Fair

Over the next 3 weeks we will be working on a mini science project. You will be undertaking some personal inquiry into an area of science that you are interested in.

First you will pose a research question about a particular area of science that you would like to know more about.

Next, you will do some research and try to answer your scientific question. You may even carry out an experiment to demonstrate your findings.

Please see the attachment below for more information.

Science Mini Project

Good luck! Enjoy carrying out your research and we can’t wait to see your findings at our science fair on Thursday 5th March!

Valentines Day Op Art

Today we created some optical illusion art inspired by Valentines Day. We looked at some different examples of optical illusions (which amazed us!) and then we were given a design brief. We were asked to create a piece of art which had contrasting colours, geometric shapes and an interesting pattern to create an optical illusion. We were also asked to include a heart silhouette to symbolise Valentines Day.

So far, here some of our amazing pieces of finished artwork ✏️🎨


Weekly Highlights :)

These are some of our highlights from school this week:

My favourite part of this week was the Holocaust memorial trip at St Clares, it was very interesting to listen to all the stories. I also enjoyed making the app its really fun.- Sean 🙂

My favorite part of this week was when we did outdoor P.E and played a striking and fielding game. I also found the Holocaust memorial trip very interesting.- Emma 🙂

My favourite thing we did this week was when we went to the Holocaust memorial at Calderwood Lodge Primary School -Charlotte 🙂

I loved going to Calderwood lodge and learning about the holocaust! It was so interesting how the surviors talk about their family members in the concentration camps. It was very heart breaking too!-Iyona 🙂

This week I have enjoyed Maths, In maths we were focusing on Fractions. I learnt how to multiply fractions and also to convert Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions and to convert Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers.           – Sarah 🙂

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood

During this term, our Primary 7 Health and Wellbeing programme will include Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) Education.

These lessons will be delivered by your child’s teacher, in a sensitive manner which will help pupils understand the facts about Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood.

Further information about content and resources can be found in the presentation below:

RSHP Information P7

If you have any questions regarding this learning, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Harvey.

Chinese Culture Week


Me and my sister made a mandarin presentation about how to say animals and numbers in Mandarin.We went round the P2’s and P4’s and taught them numbers 1-10 and some animals in Mandarin.They had shots of saying some Mandarin.At the end of the presentation we asked if anyone had any questions.Some people asked if we knew any colours in mandarin so we told them some too.

(Written by IB)

What a fantastic job you did! Well done 🙂

Our Weekly Highlights :)


P7 would like to share some of their highlights from this week:

I learned about Linear Patterns in school this week, I really enjoy it and i’m proud of my work.- SM

I am very happy about my maths and i managed to learn something new.-ON

I really enjoyed using the writing journals and we are doing it for 10 mins every day and Miss McLean gives us a topic to focus on and we can write anything we want.-SB

i really enjoyed when we got our writing jounals and everyday for 10 mins we can write our own storys and any topic we want and I cant wait to do more. -JS

I really enjoyed the writing  journals because we could write any stories we want -LD





3 Week Homework

Please find your homework for the next few weeks attached below. It is due back on Thursday 13th February. Have fun and I can’t wait to see some of your activities! 🙂

Please also remember to continue practicing the songs and lines for the school show. You can find the lyrics, scripts and song tracks on microsoft teams!

Maths Homework grid

Literacy Homework Grid


Showing Optimism

Today we learned about positivity and how to look on the bright side of situations. We now know the difference between being optimistic and pessimistic and how to achieve a positive mindset.

We wrote a little message of positivity to brighten up someone at our tables day!

Well done for your positivity P7! We will now all hopefully look at the glass as half full 🙂

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