Category Archives: Uncategorized

P1B Working hard!

Welcome back to our blog! We have been so busy and have lots of exciting new things to share with you about our learning.

Mini Mudder

We had a great time taking part in the mini mudder!

We had so much completing this outdoor challenge and were able to develop our gross motor skills.


In literacy, we continue to become more confident in reading words with phonemes. We like to practice reading, writing and drawing pictures to match these words!

We have lots of fun reading, making and writing words.

We challenge ourselves by using this word in a sentence!

We have also been developing our knowledge of fiction and non-fiction texts. Here we are sorting books into fiction and non-fiction!

We have also been retelling stories we have read.

At the easel, we were reading lots of fairy tales. We then wrote about what happened in the story and even chose words to practice spelling that we find tricky to write.

We continue to gain experience of reading lots of books!

Every day, we continue to work on our writing skills. We love writing messages to our friends and our teacher!

We also love reading and sequencing stories together! We read ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and worked together to sequence the pictures from the story and then write about it.


In maths, we continue to work on our subtraction skills, we do this through a variety of games on our own and with a partner!

We use different strategies to help us such as counting our fingers, using a number line and even counting on in our heads.


After a busy few weeks preparing for our assembly, we had so much fun showing off what we had learned about toys to our families and the whole school!

We celebrated by having lots of fun in the MUGA! We had lots of different resources with us and used them to create our own games.

We were throwing bean bags through hoops!

We practiced our hula hooping skills!

We had a challenge to see who could do it for longer!

We even received a poster from the boys and girls in Primary 4 telling us how much they loved our assembly!

Now that we have finished learning about toys we have moved on to our next topic which is senses!

To start our topic, we went on a senses walk! We went around the playground and thought about what we saw, smelled, touched, heard and what we tasted at lunch.

Then, we explored our senses inside by moving around different stations to help us develop each sense even more!

At this station there were lots of different things for us to smell, some were good but some werent very nice at all! We smelled scented candles, playdough, coffee and vinegar.

We learned to use descriptive language to describe what they smelled like.

Here, we had to use our sight to find the hidden words!

We even had a tasting station where we had the chance to taste some delicious fruit. Instead of writing what we had to eat, we thought about what they tasted of.

Lots of people said that grapes were juicy, apples were crunchy and bananas were slimy!

At this station, we were exploring touch! We had to put our hands in to the box and describe what we could feel. We felt a spiky brush, a soft sponge, cold water and rough stones.

Lastly, we had a station to focus on our hearing. We had different instruments to use and then we described their sound, the drums were very loud!

Great work P1B!




Have a Look at Our Learning in 1c!

Welcome back to our blog! Our blog is going to start off by showing you how much fun we had completing the Muddy Trail with our friends! Although the obstacle course was challenging it was great fun!



In Maths, we are exploring money in more depth. We are practising to make different amounts using coins which we can add together.

We are also revising our addition and subtraction skills through many different practical activities.



We are becoming much more confident in being able to blend our sounds together to create words.

We are also practicing our recognition for rhyming words.

We have a writing basket which we are able to explore. We used the information within the basket to write a story about spiders.

As we are coming to an end on our topic about Toys, we wrote a film review about Toy Story. We wrote what our favourite part was and what the book was about.

We can read, write and draw words correctly which have tricky phonemes within it!


We are having such a great time working with our peers to create dances which contain three or more different dance moves.

We are using our team work skills and communication skills to work together to create different dance routines.


We have been exploring Pointillism! We studied different artists and paintings which captured this skill. As Spring is soon approaching, we create our own interpretation of what Spring looks like to us.

We then created a sign using Pointillism for our new wall display which shows our amazing and artistic work.

Outdoor Learning

We continue to make creative and challenging dens with our peers which requires problem solving skills.

We created a banquet of food for our friends in the tent.


As we have completed our Topic of Toys, we have began our new topic all about Senses.

To start our new topic, we went on a Field Walk and used our senses to record what we see, hear, feel, smell and taste.

In class, we explored different senses stations. At this station we had to use our sight to find the hidden words and record them on our sheet.

This was a smelling station! There were lovely smells but also horrible smells too. We could smell perfume, vinegar, strawberry and blueberry scented play dough.

At the touching table, we had to use our senses to solve what we could feel within the box. We felt rough pebbles, soft sponges, pine cones and a tub of water!

This table was the tasting table. We had to describe what we could taste. We described the bananas as ‘creamy and slimy’. The apples as ‘crunchy’ and the grapes as ‘soft and squishy’.

Stay tuned to see what appears on our blog next!


P1a in the mud!

As usual P1aĀ  have been veryĀ  busy learning, playing and developing skills!

Mini Mudder

We had a fantastic time completing the Mini Mudder challenge and used our gross motor skills to navigate the course.Ā  Most of us loved the chance to get all muddy! We also helped to raise funds.





































We have also beenĀ  exploring outdoors developing our Maths skills.








We gathered objects and used them to make subtraction calculations.











We have also explored capacity and which containers hold more/less/the same.

We have been working hard to learn our number bonds. We are learning a rhyme which helps us remember the adding stories to 10 and play lots of games to help us memorise the different stories.


























We are creating our own number lines and practise writing the numbers in order.Ā  We counted out loose parts to match to the number.







We have continued to learn about Toys comparing toys in the past to modern toys, describing the differences and similarities. We can sort toys and we noticed some toys from long ago are still enjoyed by children nowadays.

















We are also discussing Friendship and how to be a good friend. We wrote about a friend and have drawn detailed pictures of us having fun with our friends.Ā  We made a class recipe for how toĀ  make a good friend. We have also started a kindness board where we write about anyone who has been kind to us for everyone to see.

















In Literacy we continue to become more confident reading words and sentences using our knowledge of sounds and tricky words.






















You are making great progress in your learning P1a.



P1B are working hard!

In literacy, we continue to build on our knowledge of sounds to help us improve our writing skills.

We have been practising this so much that we even made our own books! We enjoy using what we know about our sounds to help us to write. We try our best to keep our writing targets in mind such as remembering finger spaces and using capital letters and full stops correctly.

We have been sorting words into their phonemes!

For example, we know that words such as bee, free and three have the ‘ee’ sound and words such as pain, brain and gain have the ‘ai’ sound!

Roll + read games help us to improve our knowledge of phonemes.

We continue to revise our common words through a variety of games.

We have even started to think about non-fiction texts.

We have been exploring different texts to differentiate between fiction and non-fiction. We then tried to record the non-fiction facts we found within these texts!

In numeracy and maths, we continue to consolidate our number knowledge. We are becoming much faster at recalling number bonds as well as building on our stragies for addition. We are able to count on and back successfully and continue to think about numbers before and after.

We have began to learn all about subtraction! We know that by subtracting we are moving back down the number line and that our answer is going to be smaller than the other numbers.

We worked with a partner to make a tower using cubes, we then had to pick a subtraction card and take away the number of cubes to find the answer.

We were also learning how to set out these types of calculations on whiteboards by learning about the subtraction sign.

We are also consolidating our knowledge of adding 3 numbers, we enjoy using dice to help us with this!

In ICT, we have been creating images and using different features to add a variety of colours and shapes to them! We have even been learning how to add text to an image, we learned how to use the space bar to help us to include finger spaces.

Outdoors we continue to use our imaginations to take part in different role-play activities and games as well as applying what we learn in the classroom to our outdoor area.

We also enjoy working on our counting and number formation outside!

We used the palettes and pieces of wood to create a pirate ship and a stage!

We have so much fun building our teamwork skills!

Other Areas

Through our learning areas, we continue to apply a variety of different skills.

At the STEM table, we became inventors! We used a variety of resources to create/make different things.

We work on our teamwork skills by working together to complete a huge floor puzzle!

Great work P1B!

Primary 1c in Action!

Welcome back to our blog! Our blog is starting off by showing you all our learning thatĀ  has taken place through our topic of Toys!

We created our favourite toy using different materials. We used junk modelling, plastic, metal and cardboard. Most materials we used were recycled as we realise the importance of reusing diferent things!

Using digital technology, we then created our favourite toy using different tools on the computer. We are becoming more confident in being able to access different tools on the computer to make our work far more intricate.

One of our questions we wanted to learn about was how are toys made?

We then studied how toys are made. We know old toys were made out of wood and metal and new toys are made out of plastic. Here is an example of posters we made about how a toy is made.

We were so lucky to have a visitor come to see us who knew everything about toys in the past! We had the opportunity to explore toys which dated all the way from the 1920’s.

One of our favourite stories in class is ‘Toy Story’. As this book and film is all about toys we wrote a film review on it! We are becoming more confident in using our sounds to write tricky words.

Here we are sorting out old toys and new toys using our knowledge we had learnt from our visitor and non-fiction books about toys!

Within toys, we have also learnt about forces. We know that toys can either be pushed or pulled.

Other Areas:

In Numeracy, we have spent time linking our knowledge of addition and subtraction within Money. We are practising to make different amounts using coins.

Number bonds are so important! We are so fast at recalling number bonds extremely quickly. We were beating the timer to sort the number bonds under the correct number.

Numbers beyond 20 is what we are all continuing to practice too! We are practising to ensure we write the number correct way!

We are also beating the timer to sort the number bonds under the correct number!

When we are outdoors, we also practice completing addition questions!


Also Outdoors, as a team we were creating a huge tent!

Within our tent, we wanted water to travel within the the middle of it. We worked hard toĀ find different resources that would work to travel water from the top to the bottom!

We used bamboo shoots that were held between the fences and were secure. This allowed for water to travel all the way to the middle and we used a white tub to collect the water that was pouring down. The crates were used to help us reach the bamboo shoots!

Stay tuned to see what learning takes place in our class next time :)!

Leading our learning in P1A

We have been investigating forces to look at what makes toys work, move or go. We have discovered that some toys work by the force of being pushed or pulled. Some toys use more than one force and are powered by winding up, batteries or electricity. We have enjoyed sharing our ideas about our own toys and sorting a range of different toys.

In maths we have been working on subtraction, number bonds and number sequences. We have been using an interesting range of materials and resources to allow us to develop further our concept of number.

In literacy we are improving our writing and enjoy using our skills to write for a range of different purposes such as creating books, lists, sentences, cards and stories. We have also been sorting words by sounds and finding information in non fiction texts.

In drama and dance we have been using movement and mime to explore how we can create a range of different shapes with our bodies and tell a story through movement. We have been icicles, dinosaurs, puppets and stars. We have created a range of sequences working in pairs, small groups and as a whole class.






In P.E, through gymnastics we have been looking at developing our understanding of different types of rolls, jumping, using apparatus and controlling our bodies.

We hope you have enjoyed sharing our learning.


Super Progress in P1B!


Our ability to recognise single sounds and phonemes has improved so much! We continue to develop these in order to help us improve our reading and writing skills.

Here we are working together to create a story using lots of mixed up sentences, we had to work together to read the words to decide if it made sense!

We are working together to test our knowledge of tricky words.

We have been exploring unseen texts. This is helping us to expand our vocabulary and to allow us to use what we know about our sounds to read new words.

We then shared with our friends why we chose this book and even tried reading a little bit of it to them!

We are consolidating our knowledge of phonemes! We love to read, write and draw lots of these words.

Roll and Read games also help us to test our phoneme knowledge!


We are building our number knowledge by using lots of different strategies for addition. We have moved from using materials like cubes and counters to using number lines!

We are also consolidating our knowledge of number bonds.

We have been revising our knowledge of 2D shape, we can identify circles, triangles, squares and rectangles and discuss their features.

We are also able to decide what shape some items are and group them according to their shape!

Other Areas

At the STEM table we have been thinking about measuring the weight of different items. We have investigated this by measuring things like tins, rulers, feathers and rocks to decide if they were heavy or light!

In the role-play we have created our own hairdressers! We have been using our writing skills to help us make appointment lists!

We continue to develop our team work skills when working as a team to build in the construction area!

Outdoor Learning

Outside, we focused on measure, specifically weight and length. We had to measureĀ  materials and decide if they were long, or short.

We even measured our own height, ordering ourselves from the smallest person to the tallest person!

When measuring weight, we held lots of different items to decide if they were heavy, or light.

We love being creative outside too! We even set up our own shop to sell some of the ice we found in our outdoor area. Each piece of ice was different in size so we created different prices for each one!

Here, Ross is building a boat!

Myla and Joe are measuring the puddles made by the melted ice!

Well Done P1B! Keep up the great work!

P1a working and learning

Toys Workshop

As part of our new Toys topic we had a visiting workshop from a museum.Ā  We discussed what we knew about toys from the past and looked at lots of old toys and modern toys-sorting and comparing them. We explored and played with them. Some were skills toys, puzzle toys and some were construction toys.Ā  Some toys were over 100 years old! We were shown how to use the whip and peerie! We enjoyed listening to stories about toys from the past. We learned how glass marbles came to be a toy after they were used inĀ  codd bottles and children wanted to play with them!









































































































We are continuing to work on learning to use sounds we know to read and write words. We are enjoying sharing a book together and helping each other with any tricky words.


















We are learning to write tricky common words and like to test each other!







We have been sequencing pictures from our reading books to show we know what happens and using the pictures to retell the story.








We also have sentences which are jumbled and we have to reorder the words so that it makes sense.














We have been using reading games to sort phoneme words and read them. We think up a sentence using some of the words to tell our partner.
















We can use our word wall to make sentences from our reading book.












Numeracy and Mathematics

We have been working hard to learn our number stories.





























We are learning the number bonds to 10 off by heart.

Other learning

In gymnastics we have been balancing on different parts of our bodies and trying to balance with just 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 parts of our bodies touching the floor.Ā  We are very imaginative thinking of different ways. We also create mirror images of our partners chosen balance.





















We use the benches and mats to create a sequence of movements, using different ways to travel across the bench, jumping and landing in our Y, V, T, tuck and star shapes.

























Here are more photos of us exploring and learning.


















Well done P1a!

Welcome to our First Blog of 2019 in 1C!

We are so excited to be back at school! As always, we are continuing to work hard through all learning experiences.


We are becoming much more faster at recognising phonemes (such as ai, ie, oa and ee) within tricky words. We are using our knowledge of sounds to help read these tricky words!

To help us learn, we play many different activities by using magnetic letters and roll and read games.

We are reading unseen texts to help us become faster at recognising phoneme words.

Within Writing, we are using our sounds to create sentences. We are trying to remember to use a capital letter at the start of the sentence and a full stop at the end with good finger spaces.

In the sand area, we are creating stories. Every story needs a character therefore we made some in the sand using different materials.

Common words are words which we use in all of our sentences everyday. We practice to read and write them correctly.

Numeracy and MathematicsĀ 

In Maths, we have became so confident in our number bonds, we are now able to use this skill to add sums beyond 20.

We are using different strategies to add three numbers together. As we know our number bonds so well, we are able to complete these sums with effectively.

As number bonds are so important, we play different games and activities to ensure we can make number bonds correctly for a given number.

Numbers to 100 are super tricky! However, with practice we are becoming much more able at being able to sequence numbers to 100.

We have made numbers using blocks!

Outdoor LearningĀ 

We were using different outdoor materials to help complete tricky addition questions.

We created a stable see-saw !

As a team, we worked together to make a den. We used our problem solving to skills to make sure it was stable, had a roof which didn’t fall and ensured it was safe.

We created a ‘water machine’. We worked together to make the water travel across different beams at different speeds.

We also mark make and create stories outdoors!


We are completing obstacles courses within Gymnastics. We are using our skills we have learned to complete the course. Such as balancing, completing different travelling movements and doing forward/backward rolls from a bench.

Welcoming a Baby

We haveĀ  just completed our topic for Welcoming a Baby! We were learning different traditions which take place in different religions.

Here we were exploring Christianity and explored churches, gowns and baptism within this religion.

We will begin our new topic of ‘Toys’ this week! We planned our topic together as everyone wrote down what we already knew about toys. Then we created questions on what we would like to learn throughout our topic.


Super busy start to 2019!

Over the last week and a half we have been settling back into our classroom routines!


We are continuing to develop our knowledge of our single sounds, phonemes and common words. This helps us lots when we are reading but also when we are writing.

We are working on decoding words further by sorting out mixed up sentences. To help us with this we look for the word with a capital letter for the start of the sentence and make sure that a full stop is at the end.

We have also been exploring new reading books which is helping us to widen our vocabulary.

We have been working on identifying, writing and making our common words. We play lots of different games to help us with this.

Letter formation is also super important!

Developing our skills of identifying single sounds has helped us lots to identify CVC words!

We are now able to read and write trickier words. Here we are reading flashcards and writing out the words.

We also enjoy playing ‘roll and read’ games to test our knowledge of our phonemes.

We did some writing all about what we did on Christmas day or during the school holidays! Our alphabet mats and common word mats help us with this.

Numeracy and Maths

We have been revisiting and building on our number knowledge.

We have been doing further work on addition using different strategies to help us such as counting with our fingers or using number lines, we also enjoy using concrete materials to give us a visual of the calculation. We also challenge ourselves by adding 3 numbers together!

We haveĀ  been focusing lots on number bonds too. This is when we are given a number and we can state which two numbers added together make this total.

Here we are ordering numbers!

Other Areas


In Gym we are continuing to work on our gymnastics skills! We have been working on our balance, our posture and have even been practising some manouvres such as forward rolls! This week we created a short obstacle course to demonstrate our skills and to show how well we can control our body movements.

Out in the MUGA we have been playing team games developing our team work skills. We also love playing racing games!


We decided as a class that our new topic would focus on toys! We shared with our friends what we already know about toys and then worked hard to decide what we would like to find out.

To introduce us to this topic we had a circle time activity which allowed everyone to share what their favourite toy was. We then askedĀ  questions such as ‘why is it your favourite toy?’ and ‘what does it look like?’. It was lots of fun!

Great work P1B!