Leading our learning in P1A

We have been investigating forces to look at what makes toys work, move or go. We have discovered that some toys work by the force of being pushed or pulled. Some toys use more than one force and are powered by winding up, batteries or electricity. We have enjoyed sharing our ideas about our own toys and sorting a range of different toys.

In maths we have been working on subtraction, number bonds and number sequences. We have been using an interesting range of materials and resources to allow us to develop further our concept of number.

In literacy we are improving our writing and enjoy using our skills to write for a range of different purposes such as creating books, lists, sentences, cards and stories. We have also been sorting words by sounds and finding information in non fiction texts.

In drama and dance we have been using movement and mime to explore how we can create a range of different shapes with our bodies and tell a story through movement. We have been icicles, dinosaurs, puppets and stars. We have created a range of sequences working in pairs, small groups and as a whole class.






In P.E, through gymnastics we have been looking at developing our understanding of different types of rolls, jumping, using apparatus and controlling our bodies.

We hope you have enjoyed sharing our learning.


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