Super busy start to 2019!

Over the last week and a half we have been settling back into our classroom routines!


We are continuing to develop our knowledge of our single sounds, phonemes and common words. This helps us lots when we are reading but also when we are writing.

We are working on decoding words further by sorting out mixed up sentences. To help us with this we look for the word with a capital letter for the start of the sentence and make sure that a full stop is at the end.

We have also been exploring new reading books which is helping us to widen our vocabulary.

We have been working on identifying, writing and making our common words. We play lots of different games to help us with this.

Letter formation is also super important!

Developing our skills of identifying single sounds has helped us lots to identify CVC words!

We are now able to read and write trickier words. Here we are reading flashcards and writing out the words.

We also enjoy playing ‘roll and read’ games to test our knowledge of our phonemes.

We did some writing all about what we did on Christmas day or during the school holidays! Our alphabet mats and common word mats help us with this.

Numeracy and Maths

We have been revisiting and building on our number knowledge.

We have been doing further work on addition using different strategies to help us such as counting with our fingers or using number lines, we also enjoy using concrete materials to give us a visual of the calculation. We also challenge ourselves by adding 3 numbers together!

We have  been focusing lots on number bonds too. This is when we are given a number and we can state which two numbers added together make this total.

Here we are ordering numbers!

Other Areas


In Gym we are continuing to work on our gymnastics skills! We have been working on our balance, our posture and have even been practising some manouvres such as forward rolls! This week we created a short obstacle course to demonstrate our skills and to show how well we can control our body movements.

Out in the MUGA we have been playing team games developing our team work skills. We also love playing racing games!


We decided as a class that our new topic would focus on toys! We shared with our friends what we already know about toys and then worked hard to decide what we would like to find out.

To introduce us to this topic we had a circle time activity which allowed everyone to share what their favourite toy was. We then asked  questions such as ‘why is it your favourite toy?’ and ‘what does it look like?’. It was lots of fun!

Great work P1B!





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