Settling into P3b – 28.8.20

Primary 3 have settled in very well to the new term and have enjoyed getting to know each other along with Mrs Agnew. The children have adapted very well to their new environment and all are enjoying having their own desk and seat.

Each week we will complete our blog with comments from the children. This gives an insight into their thoughts and feelings about their learning.


Every week we choose 3 books from the library and put them in our tray for the rest of the week. Tia

We had to decide from different categories which group names we would be. We chose animals and then eventually we ended up chosing mythical creatures. Our groups names are mermaids, trolls, pegasus, griffins, loch ness monsters and werewolves. My group is the Griffins. Lewis

For social studies we completed a vote to chose our next topic. It was a really hard choice. We chose Egyptians. It looked really cool and the Egyptians were around over 500 years ago. Ruairidh

I really enjoyed creating my self-portrait with sunglasses. Harper

The last couple of weeks in P3b have been excellent and I have really enjoyed them. Isla

We are currently creating owl pictures and on Thursday we drew the outline of an owl. Tia

Numeracy and Maths

The class have started learning about Time, focusing on o’clock and half past. We will be continuously revising numbers bonds to 20 along with sequencing numbers in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children have also been looking at strategies to add on and subtract 10.

We are learning about Time and are learning about o’clock and half past. I got a little mixed up with half past 6 and 7 but I am now finding it a little easier. Joshua

I really enjoyed solving the Mystery of the Golden Goblet. I really enjoyed completing each page with different maths questions which gave a clue and allowed us to score out each of the pirates and at the end it was between Thomas and Isobel and at the last moment we found out Isobel found the golden goblet. Lewis


We have started a novel study on The Owl who Was Afraid of the Dark. We have read chapter 1 and will be completing our own story next week in class about what happened next to Plop. We also discussed adjectives and looked through the chapter to identify adjectives, particularly focusing on ones describing Plop.

We were learning about the story, The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark. We just started drawing the outline of the owl. Chloe

A couple of weeks ago we started learning about Plop and in the first chapter we found out what Plop looked like. He has really knackety knees and is really cute. He met a boy in the first chapter and they watched the fireworks together. Plop thought the fireworks were amazing! Ruairidh

Plop sees some fireworks. It was good. Plop felt sad about fireworks. Ross J

I had fun learning about Plop, he is fluffy and has knackety knees. He is also fat. Gaby


We will spend a lot of this term learning outdoors and will initially be focusing on orienteering skills. We are having a little trouble uploading the photos of the children in the woodland. They will be added to this blog as soon as possible.

We enjoyed a scavenger hunt in the woodland – Gaby

We worked with a partner to find objects with a card on them. On each card was a shape or a word and each gave us a clue to help solve the special message. Gaby

We used a map that told us the numbers of the locations that we needed to find the objects at. On the back of it there was a table to record our information on the table. Isla

The special message was ‘Primary 3 are Super Stars’. Ruaridh and Kyler.

On Monday, we went to woodland to each collect a stick to be used in a piece of artwork. Eva

Active Spelling

We used active spelling  to help us learn some spelling words we found tricky to spell. We also learned some common words. Chloe

Boom was one of the games we played. You had to pull out a lollipop stick with a word on it. You have to ask a person to spell the word. If they get it right they get to keep the stick, if they get it wrong then you get to keep it. If you pull out a stick with the word BOOM on it, you lose. I liked playing this game. Lewis

We wrote on our desks with chalk pens. I liked it but I would like more time to do it next week. Joey

I went outside with the chalk and wrote my spelling words on the ground and it was really fun. Ruaridh

We used magnetic letters and we spelled our words with them. The hardest part was not mixing up the ‘l’ and ‘j’ letters. Emma

Getting Creative

Lewis and Emma made a robot pattern with lots of different colours (photo to follow).

Ruairidh, Isla and Kyler made the Eiffel Towel with the Numicon.

Eva and Gaby enjoyed creating a rainbow.

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