Hard Working Pupils in 1C!


Welcome back to our blog, we can’t wait for you to see all the amazing learning that has been happening in our class throughout the last few weeks.

Sports Day just ended and it was such a fantastic event, we all had fun participating in all the games and races!

We have completed our Rainforest topic and are now exploring Nutrition, Health and Safety.

Here are a few pictures of us showcasing our learning and posters for the different animal groups!

We have been practicing to use the Green Cross Code to ensure we are keeping ourselves safe when crossing the road.

Also, we have been learning the importance to keep ourselves safe in dangerous situations! Here we completed a cut and stick, we had to decide whether a situation was safe or unsafe.

Within our Health Topic, we are looking at ways to keep ourselves happy and healthy. We have been exploring the Eat Well Plate and learning how to have a balanced diet. Soon we will be learning how to make delicious healthy meals like a fruit salad.

Outdoor Learning

As the sun is shining on us now, we have been investigating shadows! We then completed an Art activity to draw and sketch a shadow that was reflecting from an object.

As always, we are using our team work skills to make the most amazing dens we can!

Numeracy and Mathematics

We have become super confident in being able to partition two digit numbers into tens and ones!

Now our addition and subtraction skills have become advanced, we are now able to make complex number bonds which have huge numbers!

We have also been practicing to make symmetrical patterns using different loose parts.

We are easily able to identify a 1/2 as a fraction and know two halves make a whole. Therefore, we have been learning about quarters!

Within the areas, we have the opportunity to explore lots of different areas of Maths. Here we are sorting days of the week into the correct order and months of the year.


We have been practicing when to use a full stop correctly as quite often we are placing them in the wrong place. We are continuing to get better at this!

We are now able to understand the purpose of a speech bubble. We were using our imaginations to create a context within the speech bubbles for the different characters.

We always use our imagination to inform our writing too! This helps us add in more detail and information within our stories.

As we have become confident in identifying different phonemes and alternative sounds, we are beginning to increase our fluency within reading. We were reading a different book each and then writing a book review about it.

We can’t believe school is about to end! We will be continuing to work extremely hard before the end of term!







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