Week Beginning 15.1.24

What an icy, cold week it has been. And what a lovely way to end, with the house spirit afternoon! Here are a few of the things we have learned this week:

Famous Mathematicians

This week we all researched different mathematicians and how they have impacted the world with their discoveries. This was really interesting as we learned where some of our important maths concepts are used in todays inventions. After researching about the mathematician of our choice we created PowerPoints and some of us chose to make posters.

Newspaper Report writing

We have started our writing topic on newspaper reports. We had a chance to read some different articles from ‘The Happy News’ and looked closely at the opening paragraphs. We were finding the 5 Ws (Who, When, Where, What, Why) Then we had a go at writing our own first paragraph of a newspaper.


Since it was super icy and the muga and woodland area was not safe this morning, we decided to do some yoga in the class. This was nice and relaxing. We then ended it with some Just Dance and Bollywood.