Week beginning 11.9.23

Happy International Dot Day!

We have had a wonderful week of learning! From our first woodland day experience, to creating our own special dots to celebrate international dot day. Here is a little snippet of our week:

Fractions, Decimals and percentages

This week we have been doing decimals and percentages and how to convert between the three. We were also looking at the numbers after the decimal point eg tenths, hundredths and thousandths.

Changing poetry layouts 

This Thursday we rewrote our poems into a lovely layout and we had a choice to do it on a Chromebook or with a piece of paper. We used different fonts and colours to highlight key vocabulary and figurative language.

Cloud busting 

This week in Cloud busting we have read chapters 15-22! We are so close to finishing which we think will be next week.

International dot day

It is international dot day today (15th Spetember) and to celebrate we read the book, the dot, then created our own crazy dots to ‘make our mark’.

Woodland area

This week was our first woodland day. We explored the area and looked for different plants and insects.