Week beginning 28th August

Another very productive week in Primary 7C. From developing our poetry writing skills, to exploring different cloud types. It has been a week packed with some awesome learning.  Here is a little overview of things we have done:

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse.

We watched a video of the author of the book (Charlie Mackesy). Then we made art with motivational quotes. Mine was “Dream bigger.”

Science with Miss Ralston

We used a microscope to look closely at soil, sand, and gravel. It was so much fun!

Crazy Disney Poems

For our poetry unit we explored crazy Disney poems. We made 3 columns for objects, verbs and adverbs then we wrote something for each and combined them into unusual, crazy sentences.

Emotions Poetry

We wrote some poems based on emotions. Mrs Rasul could not believe her eyes. She said they were so good and wanted us to write them again on beautiful paper and put them on the wall.

Types of clouds

We learned about different clouds this week. The names of the clouds we investigated were Cumulus, Stratus, Cirrus, Nimbo Stratus, Cumulonimbus. Then we went outside to see the clouds in the sky and guess what they were.

Cloud scaping images

We were given pictures of clouds and we had to think of animals or people they reminded us of off and draw on them to bring it to life.

Blog written by Aritri 7C