All posts by Mr Eadie

This Week in P4B

Welcome to this week’s P4B Blog.

“We were making Keith Haring Artwork.” – Millie

“He grew up in Pennsylvania and moved to New York.” – Ava


“We learnt that he drew art in the subway so lots of people could see it.” – Sophia H

“He makes pop art. Pop is short for popular.” – Erin G

“He was inspired by cartoons, news, adverts and celebrities.” – Anna

“He made the Pop Shop so loads of people could buy it.” – Jaxon

“We had a visit from Mrs Lyle who is our music teacher.” – Emma Rose

“We were learning to keep the beat whilst using drumsticks.” – James

“We had a listen and kept the beat to ‘Sky Full of Stars’ by Coldplay.’ – Jaxon


“We were measuring our heights using metre sticks and rulers.” –  Christian

” We measured our partners feet in centimetres.” – Robbie

” I drew around my friends and then measured their heights!” – Erin H


” After reading The Twits, we were learning about rhyming couplets.” – Erin G

” We were writing a poem about The Big Dead tree from The Twits.” –  Gregor and James


Week beginning 21st August 2023

Hi guys and welcome back to our blog!

“In literacy  this week, we guessed what Mr and Mrs Twit might look like and drew them.” Edward

” I found this lesson fun and funny!” Oliver


“In maths we were answering problem solving questions. We worked in groups and answered them on flip chart paper.” Emily

“They were random questions so some were really tricky and some were really easy.” Finlay


“We were doing drama and at the start the all made a circle. Then we played concentration and then we got into groups and we started acting out The Twits.  We acted out 2 boys, a police office, a police dog and a news reporter.” Aaniyah

“I acted as the police dog and it was funny!” Annie

Tune in next week for more!