Week beginning 18th September 2023


Hello everyone, read on to find out more about our week!

‘In literacy we were learning about verbs and nouns. We had to underline the verbs with a partner.’ Leiyaa


‘We played mat ball in P.E. and we did a warm up called numbers.’ Ava

‘We played played piggy in the middle because we were trying to practise our throwing and catching skills.’ Edward

‘On Wednesday’s P.E. we played hockey and we were practising our push pass.’ Jaxon


‘In maths, some people were learning about bus stop division.’ Sophia W

‘It was hard at the start but it got easier!’ James

Some people in class brought in special objects. A Keith Haring bag from NYC and  Chocolate Chip and Mr Brownie the owls from Brownies. They joined us for P.E.!

Have a lovely long weekend!

Week Beginning 11th September 2023

Welcome back!

‘This week we had a music lesson outside. We played a game and you had to bounce, catch and throw to someone. We sang a song and bounced a ball on the beat.’ Sophia W

‘We also were counting the beats and clapping our hands whilst the person in the middle bounced the ball.’ Sophia H


‘In our new topic Deep Blue Sea, we were learning about the continents, seas and oceans. We had to stick them onto a piece of paper to create a flat map.’ Millie

‘Also we learned about the layers and that there are 5.’ Emily

‘In the layers of the ocean, there are different sea creatures that live there. The deeper we go the water gets darker and colder.’ Anna

‘In Maths, some of us were learning our 4 and 8 times table. We played some board games and some Chromebook games.’ James


‘In Literacy we had to find the adjectives and similes in the sentences. They were all about Spiderman.’ Annie

‘We are writing character profiles and we have to include adjectives, similes and metaphors.’ Samuel

‘We watched a video about similes and metaphors and it was funny, everyone laughed!’ Edward

Have a lovely weekend everybody!

This Week in P4B

Welcome to this week’s P4B Blog.

“We were making Keith Haring Artwork.” – Millie

“He grew up in Pennsylvania and moved to New York.” – Ava


“We learnt that he drew art in the subway so lots of people could see it.” – Sophia H

“He makes pop art. Pop is short for popular.” – Erin G

“He was inspired by cartoons, news, adverts and celebrities.” – Anna

“He made the Pop Shop so loads of people could buy it.” – Jaxon

“We had a visit from Mrs Lyle who is our music teacher.” – Emma Rose

“We were learning to keep the beat whilst using drumsticks.” – James

“We had a listen and kept the beat to ‘Sky Full of Stars’ by Coldplay.’ – Jaxon


“We were measuring our heights using metre sticks and rulers.” –  Christian

” We measured our partners feet in centimetres.” – Robbie

” I drew around my friends and then measured their heights!” – Erin H


” After reading The Twits, we were learning about rhyming couplets.” – Erin G

” We were writing a poem about The Big Dead tree from The Twits.” –  Gregor and James