Hello, hello! We are back with more interesting information about our week!
‘On Thursday in P.E. we played team races. 1 team had to dribble the ball the other to pass the ball in a zigzag and you had to go back to the start if the ball was dropped. I felt it was fun and a bit tricky to get all the passes correct to the end of the zigzag.’ Erin G
‘In MUGA P.E. we played saucers and volcanoes and I thought it was fun because I haven’t played it for a long time.’ Millie
‘In Maths some groups were learning about clocks and some questions were quite tricky. We played little games with some of our friends.’ Alina
‘Also in maths some people did something called Beat the Clock which is a multiplication sheet and you time yourself and try to improve each week.’ Menaal
‘We also went outside for some of our maths lesson and we learned about North, East, South and West. I enjoyed it.’ Ava
‘We paired up and then put on an imaginary blindfold and our partner would give us directions using the 8 compass points.’ Oliver
‘On Wednesday, we did Outdoor Learning and had to find a living thing. Then we figured which part of the food chain it was. I found a human (Gregor) and an ant!’ James
‘In Topic we learned more about sharks. We had an eye spy task, word search and we had to label parts of a shark.’ Jamie
‘Sharks have been around over 450 million years.’ Grace
‘We finished our sea creature fact files and it was really fun. After we peer assessed them and I think it was really exciting.’ Sophia H
‘Now that we’ve almost finished our Deep Blue Sea topic we decided to pick a a new one! It was between Scotland and The Romans. We had a vote and Romans won! I voted for this and I am quite happy!’
‘Someone in class won Best beaver award! Here he is showing us!’ Erin H
Another person created a fantastic presentation all about turtles!
Tune in next week for more!