Welcome to this week’s P4B Blog.
“We were making Keith Haring Artwork.” – Millie
“He grew up in Pennsylvania and moved to New York.” – Ava
“We learnt that he drew art in the subway so lots of people could see it.” – Sophia H
“He makes pop art. Pop is short for popular.” – Erin G
“He was inspired by cartoons, news, adverts and celebrities.” – Anna
“He made the Pop Shop so loads of people could buy it.” – Jaxon
“We had a visit from Mrs Lyle who is our music teacher.” – Emma Rose
“We were learning to keep the beat whilst using drumsticks.” – James
“We had a listen and kept the beat to ‘Sky Full of Stars’ by Coldplay.’ – Jaxon
“We were measuring our heights using metre sticks and rulers.” – Christian
” We measured our partners feet in centimetres.” – Robbie
” I drew around my friends and then measured their heights!” – Erin H
” After reading The Twits, we were learning about rhyming couplets.” – Erin G
” We were writing a poem about The Big Dead tree from The Twits.” – Gregor and James