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WB 03.06.24


This week we have been listening (not reading) to our reading books and trying to visualise who is in them, where it takes place and what they do. We have made our own version of Moon Base Beta, We recreated the legendary Chinese monster called Nian and created puppet shows using only the character descriptions.

Crookfur’s Got Talent

Today we watched all the excellent Crookfur’s Got Talent finalists and voted for our favourite. It was a hard decision and we can’t wait to see who wins. Good luck Maxwell!


We are learning how to write two sides to an argument for the next few weeks in writing. We did lots of talking and discussion and decided what we want to write about for the next couple of weeks. Ideas like:  Which is better literacy or numeracy? Which make best pets – cats or dogs? Which is best salty food or sweet food? There is always two sides to a story.

WB 13.05.2024


This week we were learning to make different poses for gymnastics. We were making sure that we had tension in our bodies when we did the shapes. We did tucks, straights, straddle, pike and others. We also practised the hurdle step.


We have been playing games to help us learn about grid references in maths. We played boys vs girls noughts and crosses (the girls won!) We also made secret messages using grid references.


We were using technology to do assessments this week. This will help us work out how to make the school even better. We also did a survey to say how we felt about them.

wb 06.05.24

PE – Athletics

We are practising our athletics skills this term. We practised handing on a baton during a sprint relay race and tried to improve our stamina by running for longer distances. We also showed patience during our super slow race…

Space Topic

We wrote down everything we know already about rockets, space, planets and the moon and thought about other things we might learn. We worked together to make what we think rockets look like and what they need to fly. We will compare them to what rockets actually need to fly.

WB 29.04.24


We did two performances (and lots of rehearsals) of our show this week. We had great fun singing the songs and acting like Wemmicks! We have the songs stuck in our head forever!

Colour Run

Our colour run event was brilliant and great fun. Thank you to all the people who organised it. It was tiring but excellent and everyone looked like a rainbow afterwards. We cheered on all the other runners from outside our class until it started to pour with rain!

Culture Week in P4a

This week as well as working hard on our play we have been celebrating Culture Week. This is some of what we have done…

Bollywood Dancing

We did Bollywood dancing with Mrs Yoshi. One of the dance moves looked a bit like a chicken dance! We did a dance off – Boys Vs Girls!

The girls showing off their best moves!
The boys showing dance off attitude!

Arabic Writing

We wrote our names in Arabic. We also found out the meanings of our names. Some of the meanings were: Precious, young warrior, Praiseworthy, first king warrior and treasure!


We made a recipe called Chana Chaat in the class. Some of the main ingredients were chickpeas, corriander, onion, lemon and potato. Most people thought the finished dish was tasty. Some lucky parents got to take it for their lunch the next day!

WB 04.03.24

Crookfur World Book Week

Our special author for this week was Theodor Seuss Geisel.

We looked at 3 of his books – Oh the Places You’ll Go, Cat in the Hat and Cat in the Hat Comes Back.


We did some research on his life, looked very closely at Cat in the Hat and made questions, prequels and art about this famous story.

We also found out Dr Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham as a bet with his friend who bet him he couldn’t write a story with less than 50 words.

World Book Day theme was “Read Your Way” which encourages people to read what they want, when they want, where they want…

We tried it!


We did some research on local and Scottish Food Companies for our topic work. We researched using reliable sources, taught each other facts and produced a report on our famous company.


We were using different ways to collect and display information. We were using tally marks to take quick and accurate totals! We also used tally marks to work out who gets hurt more in a Tom and Jerry cartoon (it was Tom!)

WB 19.02.24


We did two pieces of writing this week. One was a narrative story about anything we wanted to show off our excellent writing skills. The other was a set of instructions with a really good introduction sentence.


We finished our Science topic on Electricity and Circuits this week so we will be starting a new topic next week.


This week we were learning about different traditions and customs in Islam.  Such as looking at prayer mats and headscarves


A few of the groups were working on rounding large numbers this week. We played lots of games and showed our understanding of ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and units.

Together, we will be doing lots of work on the properties of 3D shapes next week.


Who will be the 5 Secret Students next week???

Remember to bring your jotters back to school!

Hope you have a nice weekend.

wb 29.01.24


We are using our teamworking skills and our knowledge about how circuits work to make working circuits from circuit diagrams. We used our knowledge of circuits to build a model that contained at least one working circuit with a switch.

Our models…


We have continued to use our block programming skills and teamworking rules to create golf courses for our Sphero bots to navigate. We added animations to our Sphero LED displays as part of the code.


We applied our knowledge of the French language to add labels to our own life size diagrams of ourselves. We all labelled the body parts in French. Tres bien!

WB 22.01.24


We worked together as small teams to operate the school’s Sphero programmable robots. We used the controls to make them move along a simple maze we drew. We used drawing programming to create pictures to angles and headings to make them move. We used block programming to create shapes and make the Sphero follow simple commands (like talking or showing an animation!)


We are learning about different rebound games in PE and will be improving our skills. Also we have been lucky enough to be working with the P7 Play Leaders as they practise and develop their Active Play sessions.  They make great teachers.


One of the genres we have been looking at recently is Instructions. We have been planting seeds and thinking about other processes that need instructions. We are going to write recipe instructions next week so we can submit them to the Diversity and P6B Recipe Book – we will be asking for parent’s/carer’s help with some simple family recipe ideas as part of next week’s homework.



wb 04/12/23


On Wednesday we were enjoying some traditional Dances that are part of Scottish Country Dancing – the kind you do at a ceilidh! We learned and danced the Military Two-Step and the Canadian Barn Dance. It was fantastic fun and very good exercise!

Christmas Jumper Day

Here is a picture of our class all wearing their Christmas jumpers. We look excellent!