WB 22.01.24


We worked together as small teams to operate the school’s Sphero programmable robots. We used the controls to make them move along a simple maze we drew. We used drawing programming to create pictures to angles and headings to make them move. We used block programming to create shapes and make the Sphero follow simple commands (like talking or showing an animation!)


We are learning about different rebound games in PE and will be improving our skills. Also we have been lucky enough to be working with the P7 Play Leaders as they practise and develop their Active Play sessions.  They make great teachers.


One of the genres we have been looking at recently is Instructions. We have been planting seeds and thinking about other processes that need instructions. We are going to write recipe instructions next week so we can submit them to the Diversity and P6B Recipe Book – we will be asking for parent’s/carer’s help with some simple family recipe ideas as part of next week’s homework.