Wb 30.10.23


On Monday we went for our first swimming lesson. We swam forwards and backwards across the pool. We also tried some bouncing and putting our ears and faces underwater.

Woodlands will happen as normal next week (Monday 6th of November)

Health and Wellbeing/STEM

We finished our Brickoramas that showed the dangers of Bonfire night. We wrote bossy verb captions telling people how to keep safe.  There were lots of tips and tricks to remember. We shared our creations using cloud technology.


During assembly today we had a visitor to talk about Harvest and how Christians celebrate it by being thankful to God for our food. Another way they celebrate it is by thinking of ways to help others around the world who may not have enough food because of droughts (not enough rain) or floods (too much rain).

One way we thought we could help as individuals is to donate food to foodbank trolleys in Supermarkets when we pass them.

We are still looking for donations of old tents that never get used (and you don’t mind not getting back). We are also looking for:

  • Nails
  • Screws
  • Scrap wood
  • Hinges and ANY old ironmongery
  • Old electrical items
  • Old mechanical items

Thanks for reading