Primary 4A: Weeks Beginning 23/05/22 and 30/05/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into what we have been doing recently.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Despite having a couple of shorter weeks it has been very busy in P4A! The pupils have recently enjoyed the Colour Run, attending Cookfur’s Got Talent Final and celebrating at the Jubilee Tea Party.

Next week is Health Week which will result in some changes to the timetable. I have shared all the scheduled activities with the pupils so that they know what to expect.

Literacy and English

Sarah – We have recently started our new class novel, Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White. We are all really enjoying it so far!

Zak – One of the activities we did for our class novel involved designing a new front cover by using information from the blurb, title and our own predictions from chapter 1. We also recorded notes on how the main characters interact with each other.

Millie – We have been learning how to use our non-fiction books and their sub-headings to create a Spider Diagram.

Ruairidh – After reading our non-fiction books we created our own questions for some of our friends in our groups to answer.

Emma – After reading chapter 1 of Charlotte’s Web we separated into small groups and then we debated whether the pig should be kept by Fern or not.

Numeracy and Maths 

Emma – My group has been learning how to subtract across zeros in three-digit numbers. This is also challenging us to apply our knowledge of exchanging.

Mason – Some of us have been consolidating our understanding of calculations involving three digit numbers.

Harry – My group has been learning how to carry when adding three digit numbers.

Expressive Art

Daniel – For the Jubilee Tea Party we all created bunting which we used to decorate the hallway outside our classroom.

Ruairidh – We created posters based on the Crookfur values.

Outdoor Learning

Lewis – In groups we presented our plant posters to the class. This involved selecting a plant from our P4 garden and then researching about it.

Sarah Mc – We have been watering our garden and bean plants everyday which we will eventually take home.

Health and Wellbeing

Lewis – For our final Healthy Eating lesson we created a drama whereby our groups acted out a restaurant scene by using our healthy menus that we designed.

Chenul –  All of the primary 4 pupils took part in house heat races. The winners of each heat will compete next week as part of Health Week!

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