Primary 4A: Week Beginning 16/05/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Thank you to Mrs Salim for delivering a fantastic presentation on topics related to Islam to all the primary 4 pupils. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

I am delighted to announce that we won the East Renfrewshire Sumdog Maths contest which is a fantastic achievement! Thank you to all the parents and guardians for allowing pupils additional time on devices at home.

The pupils have also done an outstanding job looking after their P4 garden!

Literacy and English

Freya – This week we completed a spelling check-up on some of the sounds we have been learning over the course of the year.

Zak –All of us have been reading different non-fiction texts. We have learned about what their features are and how to use them such as a glossary, index and contents page. Afterwards, we answered questions based on the texts.

Tia – Everyone created spidergrams by using the headings in our non-fiction texts. This has helped us to learn another method of how to plan and organise ideas for our writing pieces.

Numeracy and Maths 

Darcy – We won the Sumdog competition! We are all so excited and delighted with this result – well done everyone!

Daniel – Some of us have been revising how to successfully answer calculations involving carrying and exchanging with three digit numbers.

Lauren and Yousaf – Our group has been solving word problems based on all the timestables we have been learning about recently.

Harry – This week some of us revised vertical calculations with two digits. Sometimes we used a 100 square to help us check our answers.

Sarah Mit – This week our group finished learning about multiplying with two digits by completing problem solving questions.

Health and Wellbeing

Millie – Using our knowledge of the Eatwell plate, we have started to research and create a balanced menu for a café or restaurant. Mr Atkinson has challenged us to select starter, main and dessert course with appropriate prices. For challenge, some of us have listed vegetarian and gluten-free options.

Sarah Mc – With Mr McMillan in P.E. we learned how to do Scottish ceilidh dancing. It was so much fun!

Sara – We also had a rounders contest this week!

Lewis – To finish our Friendship topic we learned about the importance of respecting personal space. We played a game to help us understand what personal space looks like and then we discussed what actions can invade a persons personal space.



Primary 4A: Weeks Beginning 02/05/22 and 09/05/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into what we have been doing recently. 

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

What an incredible two weeks we have had in P4A and a lot of proud teacher moments! I’m delighted to announce that all P4A pupils received their Wild Challenge Bronze award from the RSPB. They achieved this by exploring the outdoors and participating in a wide range of activities. Well done everyone! We have also started our final outdoors project which will involve creating a P4 planter area and growing different flowers and vegetables.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and guardians for supporting the children with being able to fully immerse themselves in the outdoors. Many children have come with the appropriate clothing and have brought in different items to help with our tasks. Also thank you to the pupils who donated finished food packets, these will be used to create a class Eatwell plate.

The final East Renfrewshire Sumdog Maths contest has begun! This competition is on from the 13/05/22 – 19/05/22, can we improve on 2nd place which we placed in the last contest.

Literacy and English

Mason – This week in writing we wrote instructions for how to create a smoothie. First we looked at the different equipment and ingredients Mr Atkinson had brought in. Then we listed them in our jotters. Afterwards, we carefully watched Mr Atkinson as he added the items into the blender. We all used imperative verbs so that the instructions were clear and easy to follow! For challenge, some of us also recorded the quantity in measurements. We even got to taste some of the smoothie!

Zak and Lewis – The last question type we have learned about is deductive. To successfully answer these questions you must make conclusions based on the information given.

Numeracy and Maths 

Yousaf – My group has been learning how to divide and mutply by 7 and 6.

Emily M – We have been applying our knowledge of timestable to help us solve 2-digit multiplication questions.

Harry – We are taking part in the East Renfrewshire Sumdog Maths contest!

Lewis – My group has been revising how to subtract and add 3-digit numbers involving exchanging and carrying. We have also been learning new mental maths strategies to help with these calculations.

Health and Wellbeing

Daniel – Over the last two weeks we have played hockey and football matches. Mr Atkinson has been encouraging us to use all of our skills that we have learned this year.

Hadia and Sarah Mi– In our friendship topic we investigated different qualities. We then put the statements into two categories, “good friend” and “not a good friend.” Afterwards we scored them in order of what would be the preferred characteristics of a good friend.

Sarah Mc – As part of our Healthy Eating topic, we created a large Eatwell plate using some packets and boxes of foods that our friends had brought in. We carefully took out time to organise them into the correct categories.


Charlie – Using a diagram, we labelled and described certain areas in a mosque.

Mason – We learned about different artefacts related to Islam such as the Quran.


Tia – With Mr McMillan we learned how to ask for the time and reply in French.

Outdoor Learning

Ruairidh – We planted beans into small pots which we will care for in class and track their growth progress.

LaurenThis week we moved and set up our planter. We then filled it with soil and compost. Afterwards, we separated it into sections so that we could plant different flower seeds and vegetables.

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 25/04/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

The pupils in P4A have worked incredibly hard this week and, as always, I have been so impressed with their wonderful effort and use of Growth Mindset. With the recent warm sunny weather I would like to remind everyone to bring water bottles to school so that they can be used regularly and refilled. I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!

Literacy and English

Daniel – This week our writing lesson was about learning how to write instructions for how to plant a flower. We plan to use these instructions in the next couple of weeks when we create a P4 garden.

Millie and Emily M – The first activity we did in our writing lesson was to test the instructions of how to create a daisy chain. We used Mr Atkinson’s instructions and then commented on what we could do to improve them.

Emma – When creating our instructions we made sure to include equipment and illustrations.

Tia – We also used bullet points and numbers to help create a clear order and structure.

Chenul – At the start of each instruction we used ‘bossy verbs’ and underlined them in our writing.

Ruairidh – This week in our comprehension lesson we continued our questioning series by learning how to answer evaluative questions. For these types of questions you need to write your opinion and justify it by referring to elements in the text.

Numeracy and Maths 

Lauren – This week we completed a check-up on how to divide and multiply by 2,3,4,5 and 10.

Charlie – We also did a fraction check-up on everything we have learned about fractions.

Lewis – One of our lessons involved revising how to organise, plan and structure a weekly timetable.

Harry – My group learned how to create and complete a Carroll diagram using different information.

Health and Wellbeing

Mason – In P.E. with Mr Atkinson we applied our hockey skills in matches, it was great fun!

Isla – We created short dramas for situations that demonstrated good and bad friendships. Afterwards, we discussed how these would make us feel if they happened to us.


Charlie – We learned about mosques and some of their important features. We then looked at some magnificent mosques from around the world which inspired us to create the art below!

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