Primary 4A: Week Beginning 18/04/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holidays! It has been great listening to the pupils and hearing about what they did over the break.

Literacy and English

Tia – We have been learning how to structure answers to inferential questions. When answering these types of questions you need to act as a detective by identifying the hints and clues that the authors give us and then use our own knowledge. We combine these two strategies to then write an answer.

Zach –  We have also updated our VCOP wall display, this time adding “ly” openers and more exciting descriptive vocabulary.

Numeracy and Maths 

Mason – This week we have been revising fractions, such as using number lines to help us order fractions.

Lauren – My group has been learning how to divide and multiply by 10 by using different rules.

Emma – Our new topic that we have been learning about is probability. We explored different real-life situations and then discussed the chances of the event occurring by using the terms; very likely, likely, possible, impossible, certain, unlikely and very unlikely.

Harry – This week we learned how to use and sort information by using Venn diagrams. Sometimes there are similarities and differences which means things can overlap.

Health and Wellbeing

Freya – In our friendship topic this week we took part in a circle time activity whereby we discussed how having friends make us feel.  Afterwards, we did a navigation game whereby we partnered with a friend and one of us had to close our eyes. The other pupil then guided us around a path. This helped to build trust between classmates!

Charlie – In P.E. with Mr Atkinson this week we played a couple of football matches. We all demonstrated respect, kindness and teamwork during the games.

Emily M – With Mr McMillan in P.E. we learned how to use the gymnastic apparatus.


Maira – This week we have been learning about Ramadan! Some of us brought in objects and items related to Islam which we shared with our friends. Everyone was fascinated and enjoyed learning about a different religion.

Earth Day

Chloe – To celebrate and mark Earth Day we gathered resources from around the woodland and front area of the playground to recreate planet Earth. We had a lot of fun doing this outside as the weather was so sunny and wonderful!

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 28/03/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Once again thank you to all the families for allowing your children to bring materials to class for their spacecraft models. I have been so impressed with the teamwork, resourcefulness and dedication the groups have shown throughout the building process. Well done to everyone for meeting the design brief! Have a wonderful Easter holiday, I am looking forward to hearing your stories when you return.

Congratulations to the P4 pupils who participated in a tennis competition and won! I enjoyed watching and cheering you on!

Literacy and English

Hadia – For our grammar lesson we used adjectives to create a description of our aliens.

Numeracy and Maths 

Tia – As part of our new time topic we learned about dates, calendars and timetables. Our final activity involved creating our very own timetable and schedule based on a typical day.

Zak and Sarah Mc – Our group created fraction walls to support us with ordering fractions, this new resource was very helpful!

Yousaf – We have now progressed onto the 5 timestable. We first used concrete materials to help us solve calculations and then we moved onto problem solving questions.

Harry – My group has finished creating bar graphs and now we are learning about pictograms.

IDL (Space)

Lewis – This week we finished building our spacecrafts! We achieved this by using recyclable materials to help construct these models. It was so exciting working with friends to make these replicas and sharing them with the other P4 class. 

Freya – Some of the materials we used included cardboard, bottles and  newspapers which we turned into papier mâché. 

Darcy – After covering our spacecrafts in papier mâché we painted them to make the models more accurate. 

Health and Wellbeing

Emma – For our first lesson in gymnastics we learned different balances and then afterwards Mr Atkinson challenged us to create our own balances with the help of our friends! You can see some of our attempts below!

Expressive Arts

Freya – One of our starter tasks this week was to design an Easter egg, we all had a great time colouring these in.

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 21/03/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Thank you to everyone who has donated materials to help with construction of our spacecrafts. The pupils will be presenting the spacecrafts to P4B next week and pictures will be available on the blog. Over the last couple of weeks the class have had a couple of opportunities to participate in Beat the Street contest which you can see from the photographs below.

Literacy and English

Daniel – For our imaginative piece of writing this week we wrote stories about aliens. One of the key features of this was to create an exciting description of the appearance of our aliens.

Zak – The reading skill we have been developing is summarising. We looked at a text and then selected the best answers to some of the questions. We achieved this by identifying key words in the questions and disregarding overly detailed information that was irrelevant. 

Emma – We have been continuing to practice our handwriting in our booklets.

Numeracy and Maths 

Emily M – We have been learning about fifths, eighths and tenths and how to recognise equivalent fractions.

Chenul – We used our knowledge of compasses and directions outside to guide our partners to a certain place in the playground.

Harry – My group has been applying our knowledge of bar graphs to create our very own. We had to remember to include titles and an appropriate scale.

Lauren – Some of our Maths lessons involved dividing by 4 and solving word problems using the 4 times table.



Health and Wellbeing

Isla – In P.E. this week we created a new game called Space Invaders! It was so much fun and I liked that it included aspects of our Space topic. Astronauts (us) had to reach planets (different areas in the MUGA) and avoid meteorites (catchers).

IDL (Space)

Ruairidh – Using our line drawing skills and our knowledge of bird’s-eye view perspective we sketched our spacecrafts. We will use these drawings to help build replica models over the course of next week.

Millie – We used the Chromebooks to research our spacecrafts and took notes on their appearance, shape and colour.

Outdoor Learning

Charlie – This week we designed an assault course for the class to enjoy by gathering resources from the woodland!

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