Primary 4A: Week Beginning 27/09/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Well done to the P4A pupils for participating in the Maths Week Scotland Sumdog contest. I was very impressed with the enthusiasm you demonstrated. As a result of your incredible efforts, P4A finished the competition in 133rd place out of 7761 classes from across the country. The class also achieved the highest score in the school! A personal thank you to all the parents and guardians who allowed the pupils additional time on devices at home.

Due to my absence this week this blog will be very short. Please come back to visit our blog soon as I will post an update when I return to school.

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 20/09/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

I have entered the class into the upcoming Maths Week Scotland Sumdog contest. Participation is optional and time will be provided in class, however, some pupils may wish to spend additional time on it at home.

Literacy and English

Darcy – Our focus this week during our cursive handwriting lesson was oe. First we discussed what words have oe in them, such as shoe and poem. Then we wrote our oe words four times. Finally, Mr Atkinson challenged us to create a sentence using some of the oe words.

Ruairidh/Lewis /Freya – Throughout the week we have been learning how to spell words with ai in them. Some of the activities involved growing ai words, searching for their definitions in dictionaries, identifying improper and proper ai words, rhyming and recognising syllables.

Charlie – After reading more chapters from our class novel, George’s Marvellous Medicine, we then created persuasive adverts for our own potions. We were encouraged to include important information such as price, use alliteration for the name and descriptive vocabulary. After designing our adverts we presented them to our friends.

Numeracy and Maths

Yousaf – Terrific Timers and Awesome Adders have been learning how to record and identify half past and o’clock in the digital format.

Maira – This week Marvellous Measurers were making links when dividing and multiplying by 4 and 5.

Chenul/Tia – Super Subtracters have been applying their knowledge of dividing and multiplying by 10 to challenging problem solving questions.

Expressive Arts

Millie and Mason – This we learned a new song and hand gestures. Some of us also participated in a challenging game whereby we had to bounce and pass the ball to a friend in timing with the beat of the song.

Outdoor Learning

Emma – Mr Atkinson shared with the class what the RSPB Wild Challenge is and what is required at the different levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold). Afterwards, we went outside to the Woodland to consider what activities we could do over the course of this year in this area. Finally, we discussed our ideas, created a list and voted which activities we wanted to try first. 

Health and Wellbeing

Daniel – In our hockey lesson with Mr Atkinson, one of our activities involved competing in group dribbling races! 


Primary 4A: Week Beginning 13/09/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

We have had a very exciting week! As part of an overall school visit, a Headteacher from another school came to see what we have been learning about in P4A. The pupils enthusiastically shared their knowledge about their most recent Maths topics and displayed excellent manners. Well done everyone!

Literacy and English

Millie – This week we started cursive handwriting, our focus was joining ee together throughout our work.

Darcy – In Writing our focus has been creating Diary entries from the perspective of the characters from our class novel, George’s Marvellous Medicine. This week we pretended to be the Grandma and Mr Atkinson challenged us to include VCOP and to write in first person.

Zak – One of our comprehension tasks involved correctly matching statements from the most recent chapter with the characters that said them in George’s Marvellous Medicine.

Numeracy and Maths

Chenul – This week Marvellous Measurers started learning about dividing by 3 and using their knowledge of times tables to solve various problems.

Lewis – Super Subtracters have begun to apply their understanding of division and link this with fractions such as 1/4, 1/2 and 1/3.

Yousaf – Terrific Timers and Awesome Adders have been investigating different methods of telling and recording the time. Some example we came up with included; sundials, digital watches, timers on ovens and the classroom clock.

Outdoor Learning

Harry – This week we used clay and natural resources to create tree faces. In our pairs we had to sketch a picture of what we wanted the face to look like. Next we gave the tree character a name. Afterwards, we were challenged to think of adjectives to describe our tree character. Finally, we went to the Woodland to create our tree faces, it was so much fun!

Health and Wellbeing

Freya – In hockey with Mr Atkinson we have been learning how to dribble. Mr Atkinson set up lots of obstacles that we had to move around. To ensure we kept control of the hockey ball we had to stay very focused.

Mason – In P.E. with Mr McMillan we played basketball and benchball matches.

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