Primary 4A: Week Beginning 14/03/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

I am delighted to announce that we came 2nd in the East Renfrewshire Sumdog competition! The class worked incredibly hard to achieve this position and should be very proud of what they accomplished. A massive thank you to all the parents and guardians for allowing the pupils additional screen time and encouraging them throughout this week, it was very much appreciated! Pupils will be issued with a certificate recognising their efforts!

The pupils also enjoyed the opportunity to take part in Beat the Street on a wonderful sunny day!

Please remember that our Woodland session is on Friday and pupils should bring appropriate clothing.

Literacy and English

Millie – We are continuing with our imaginative writing and this time we based our stories on a picture of a aeroplane. We were challenged to include similes and “ly” openers!

Chenul – During the writing planning stage we drew three pictures; one from the beginning, middle and end.

Numeracy and Maths 

Daniel – My group has starting learning about compasses and directions. One of the lessons involved creating and designing our own compasses which we used outside.

Lauren – My group has been continuing to learn their multiplication tables. This week we have been using different materials to help with multiplying by 4. We use cubes because it makes it easier for us to sperate them into groups of four and visualise the calculation.

Harry – My group has been learning the features of bar graphs and how the data and information can be used to answer questions.

Freya – Some of us have been revising how to find a fraction of a number and linking this with division. We have also been creating fractions such as halves, thirds and quarters by shading in parts of a circle.


Tia – This week was science week and we watched a video about how vets check the health of cows. We then discussed how we can check our own health by counting breathing rate, tracking our pulse and by skin pinching.

Health and Wellbeing

Emma – We have been continuing to track and record our progress in our athletic stations. We have already begun to see improvements in our fitness! 

Outdoor Learning

Charlie – On Friday we surveyed the school grounds to help us plan where we could build our P4 garden. 

Lauren – Mr Atkinson taught us how to draw diagrams from a bird’s-eye view perspective. First we drew what our bedrooms would look like from this view and then we coloured and created a key for it. We are going to use these skills to draw what our P4 garden might look like from a bird’s-eye view. 

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 07/03/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

I have spoken to the class about the following timetable updates: P.E. will now revert back to Tuesday and Thursday. With the weather improving we will resume our Woodland sessions this week. Please ensure that all the pupils come to school every Friday with appropriate clothing and footwear for all weather conditions. We are working towards completing our RSPB Bronze award and need to complete these activities outside.

Crookfur Primary has relaunched the Crookfur Digital Leader Programme. Miss Bishop visited the class and shared with the pupils how to submit an application.

Beat the Street has also started and I would encourage pupils and families to participate if able to do so. Finally, I have entered the class into the East Renfrewshire Maths Sumdog Contest.

Literacy and English

Emily B – This week we have been learning how to apply the different rules about using commas to fix sentences.

Lewis – We had our first imaginative writing lesson this week! We were challenged to include adjectives, commas, capital letters, full stops and to carefully check that we structured our writing into a clear beginning, middle and end.

Daniel – Our imaginative stories were based on the picture prompts that were issued as Talk Homework. A lot of us brought notes to class to help us with planning our writing, this made it easier.

Numeracy and Maths 

Harry – To help identify lines of symmetry my group has been cutting shapes out and folding them equally to create halves.

Yousaf – My group has been using concrete materials to help multiply and divide by 2. We also learned about the links between multiplying and dividing.

Sarah M – Some of us have started learned about fractions. We have been recording and identifying 1/2 and 1/4. We have also begun to find fractions of numbers.

Isla – We have started our new topic – Area! We have been counting 1/2 squares and whole squares to determine the area of shapes. We completed activities which challenged us to draw different shapes that had the same area.

Ruairidh – We have been using online games to create models with certain area.


Lewis and Freya – We have been learning about past and present space races! We created timelines of major events that have occurred over the years during the space races. To ensure our timelines were in chronological order we used chromebooks and then wrote notes on what we discovered. Afterwards we summarised our information so that we could write them in our topic jotter. Some of us even drew pictures of the events.

Health and Wellbeing

Mason – For our final few weeks in our athletics block we will be recording our scores at different stations. The stations include the long jump, hurdle jumping and shot put throwing. Our aim is to increase on our score each week and improve our fitness.


Maira – With Mr McMillan we learned how to code characters, animals and backgrounds.


Mueez – This week we finished our French profiles about ourselves. We had to read questions that were in French and then write our answers. Some of the questions asked us what our favourite food, movie, colours and books were.

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 28/02/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

What a brilliant and fascinating week we have had in P4A! The pupils have thoroughly enjoyed listening to all the interesting Space Solo Talks. I am incredibly proud of the children for confidently and enthusiastically sharing their facts about their favourite astronauts in various styles of presentations. I would also like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to all the parents and guardians for supporting and facilitating this activity. I appreciate all the time, effort and listening to the rehearsals of these presentations.

It was brilliant to speak and see everyone during Parents Evening! We all managed to successfully navigate the new system and it was great to share with you your children’s learning journey and their successes.

Below are photographs of the Space presentations and World Book Day activities. More pictures can also be viewed on the Crookfur Primary Twitter page.

Finally, I am delighted to announce the return to in person assemblies. The class enjoyed attending assembly today with their friends and eagerly participated in singing as well as celebrating some pupils receiving achievement certificates.

Solo Talks

World Book Day Activities

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