Primary 4A: Week Beginning 14/02/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

This week the class started their new IDL topic, Space! Please check the Google Classroom for the Talk Homework related to the Space topic that has been issued over two weeks.

Due to the unpredictability of the Scottish weather pupils should continue to bring appropriate attire to school.

Literacy and English

Sarah M –  This week we wrote poems based on the seasons. First we created a word bank of vocabulary that would be appropriate for our poems. Then we chose either the AABB or ABAB rhyming patterns. Mr Atkinson also challenged us to include one simile.

Emily B – The reading strategy we have been continuing to learning about is word choice. This week we had to select definitions for words based on the theme of the texts and surrounding sentences.

Numeracy and Maths 

Zach – To reinforce and build upon our times table knowledge we completed multiplication wheels involving the 6,7,8 and 9 times tables.

Emily M – Through practical activities and using concrete materials we have been learning how to multiply by 8. We were then challenged to solve calculations involving multiplication and money.

Harry – This week my group started learning about symmetry. We have been identifying symmetry in various shapes.

Yousaf – Some of us have been comparing two and three digit numbers by using the symbols greater than, less than and equal to.

Isla – My group has been learning to divide two digit numbers involving remainders and exchanging. It has been tricky but we are using our Growth Mindset to help us answer these questions.

Health and Wellbeing

Mason – As a class we discussed challenges that we come across in life and during our learning journeys. We were given a range of situations and discussed what we needed to do to overcome the barriers. Afterwards, we all chose a challenge that we want to succeed in and then drew a mountain and wrote the steps required to achieve the goal. Later in the term we will reflect on our progress.

Charlie – We had a brilliant discussion about when we are faced with obstacles in video games we keep trying so that we can progress in the story or level. We also discovered we do not get as frustrated if an activity in a video game is very challenging but instead we look for other solutions. Mr Atkinson linked this to Growth Mindset by teaching us that similar to obstacles in games, if we make a mistake in school then all we need to do is try to use a different strategy and keeping persevering until we successfully make the correction. As a fun activity we pretended to be video game designers and in groups created learning games based on something we find challenging like multiplication.

IDL – Space

Tia – This week we started our new topic, Space! First Mr Atkinson introduced us to all the different planets, then we created mnemonics, with the aid of dictionaries, to help us remember the order of the planets. Afterwards, we used the Chromebooks to research and record one fact for each planet.

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