Primary 4A: Week Beginning 24/01/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

I have been so impressed with the class this week! They have enthusiastically participated in all our Scottish themed activities and worked brilliantly in group tasks!

A couple of reminders, we will continue not to visit the Woodland area due to the conditions and weather. Homework should be handed in on a Monday so that it can be reviewed and marked to be reissued on Tuesday morning.


Literacy and English

Tia – This week we have been learning about the Scots language. After doing some research we then created acrostic poems and were challenged to include 5 Scots words in them. A few of us performed our finished poems to the rest of the class.

Emma and Darcy – Before creating our poems we created a Scots language display. First we designed a tartan background and then selected a Scots word to outline in black pen. You can see our brilliant display below!

Charlie – To help write our poems we used an online Scots dictionary to translate some tricky words.

Harry and Yousaf – This week we have been learning how to peer-assess our writing by carefully checking the success criteria. We based our two stars and a wish on the criteria.

Daniel – We created fact files on Robert Burns which we shared with the class.

Numeracy and Maths 

Zak – Some of us have been learning how to solve calculations  involving the 6 timestable.

Emily –  My group have been learning to multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit.

Harry – We have been converting ml and L. There are 1000ml in 1 L.

Yousaf – Our group have been exploring place value with two and three digit numbers.

Health and Wellbeing

Charlie – We have started learning the Gay Gordons which is a transitional Scottish dance.

Mueez –In our Growth Mindset lesson we debated the question – are people born with talent.

Chenul – On Thursday we planned Highland Game activities and started writing instructions for them. Next week we are going to teach the rest of the class our games.

Expressive Arts

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 17/01/22

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Well done to everyone for your excellent efforts and hard work! Next week there will be a Scottish theme throughout the lessons.

Literacy and English

Mason – This was our last week of writing a recount. First we all chose a memorable event to write about and then we put our events in chronological order. Throughout our pieces we had to write in first person and in past tense. We were also challenged to include verbs and the 5 Ws and 1 H.

Numeracy and Maths 

Steven – We have been using greater than, less than and equal to symbols to compare different numbers.

Harry – My group has started a new topic and this has involved learning about ml and L and measuring volume with jugs.

Lauren – Our last lesson on the time topic involved researching and learning about different time devices such as egg timers, alarms and sundials.

Emily – Some groups have been rounding three digit numbers to 10 and 100.

Health and Wellbeing

Emma – With Mr McMillan we played a whole class tennis match – it was so exciting!

Expressive Arts

Ruairidh – Continuing our line focus in Art, we sketched cubes and then shaded them based on the position of where we drew our suns. This was tricky because we had to think about the shadow the sun would cast on parts of the cube.


Zak – We have started creating profiles about ourselves! This week we learned how to write our ages and birthday months in French.


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