Primary 4A: Week Beginning 20/12/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

The pupils have been busy rehearsing and recording their festive poetry performance which I will edit and upload for the Christmas holidays. This will be posted on Google Classroom for families to view. We will also be creating our Christmas crafts which will be sent home upon completion. The pupils had a fantastic time at their Christmas party and were also joined by some of their friends from P4/5.

As this is the last blog of the term I would like to express my thanks and appreciation for your support over this term. I hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe Christmas Holidays.

Literacy and English

Hadia – In our writing lesson we learned about the different features of newspapers such as headlines and writing in past tense. Afterwards, we used our understanding to create our own newspaper reports based on the idea that animals escaped from a zoo. To help structure our newspaper articles we focused on including the five Ws and 1 H – who, where, when, why, what and how. We all came up with some fascinating and interesting reports!

Numeracy and Maths 

Mason – Our last lesson in our topic involved adding and subtracting 100 and  1000 from 4 digit numbers. Some of the calculations challenged us to determine if we needed to exchange or carry.

Tia – Our group also finished our fraction topic this week! We learned how to identify fractions on a number line and order them.

Harry – My groups last activity in the tile topic was to create our own colourful tiled patterns.

Expressive Arts

Hadia – We did our final poem rehearsals this week to make sure we were confident with our actions, knew when to use our props and remembered our lines. Mr Atkinson then took us to the Crookfur Primary Christmas tree to record our festive poems. We can’t wait to show you them!

Health and Wellbeing

Darcy – This week we finished our final lesson on Bounce Back. We learned about the importance of staying positive by listening to different situations and discussing in groups how the characters involved could change their mindsets. We also participated in some fun activities which challenged us to decode puzzles to discover the secret positive message.

Emily M – We also shared our own situations with the class about when we looked on the bright side.

Charlie – This week with Mr Atkinson in P.E. we participated in different football exercises that helped to improve our passing and communication skills. One of the activities involved dribbling the ball through gates but making sure were were looking around and speaking to each other so that we didn’t go through the gates at the same time as our partner. Every time we went through a gate we earned a point!

Christmas Party

Mason – We had a wonderful Christmas party! We enjoyed lots of snacks, drinks and festive music in the classroom. Afterwards, we went to the gym hall for dancing and party games – it was so much fun!

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 06/12/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Thank you for all the items that have been donated and brought into class. Next week we will begin to use these materials to create props for our poetry Christmas recording which will be posted in our P4A Google Classroom on the last week of term. We also have our Christmas party next Wednesday. Pupils do not need to bring in outdoor clothing as we will not be visiting the Woodland area for the next couple of weeks due to weather conditions.

Literacy and English

Isla – During our Grammar lesson we learned how to create and use contractions such as isn’t – is not and didn’t – did not. Once we felt confident we then corrected some sentences by applying our contractions knowledge.

Ben – This week we focused on spelling words with “ear” in them.

Mason – We have started learning about a new reading skill called identifying the main idea. This is when you use the title and key sentences within a text to determine the main idea of the passage.

Numeracy and Maths 

Sara and Chenul – Our group has been learning about equivalent fractions and how to draw them. We played online games and did a fun dice challenge which encouraged us to use our knowledge of equivalent fractions to complete the questions.

Charlie – We have been learning how to use calculators to solve challenging addition and subtraction calculations.

Health and Wellbeing

Daniel – Mrs Shaw is going to be coming to our class every Monday for one period to teach us about coping strategies which will help us to manage our emotions. This week we learned about ‘flipping our lids’ and some exercises to help us to stay calm.

Emma – With Mr McMillan  we played a game called Boccia in P.E. It was so much fun!

Tia – We discussed our emotions this week and then we looked at different artists images. In groups we wrote down the emotions each picture made us feel and justified our opinions.

Expressive Arts

Ruairidh – On Friday we all created decorations for our class Christmas tree and Chloe designed a special ornament for the school tree.

Millie – After discussing our feelings we created an emotions colour wheel which involved painting colours and writing down what each one represented. Then we did some sketches on a large piece of paper and used our emotions colour wheels to paint our own pictures. Afterwards we self-assessed our work by justifying why we used certain colours relating it to emotions.

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 29/11/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Pupils in P4A have been issued some lines to learn over the next couple of weeks for a Christmas themed poetry recording. The children are very excited to share this with all the parents and guardians via Google Classroom before the holidays. In addition, the pupils are going to start making props next week for their poems and we would appreciate if any materials, eg. cardboard boxes could be brought into school.

Next Friday is the Christmas Jumper Day and the present room!

Literacy and English

Ruairidh – This week we finished our letter series of lessons by writing a letter to a pen pal about an alien crash landing in our school!

Emily B – In our letters we were challenged to use a range of adjectives and WOW words to create an engaging description of our alien.

Sarah M – We also used question marks in our letters as if we were writing to a real pen pal whom we had not seen in a long time.

Zak – Another feature we included in our letters was the recipients address.

Daniel – This week we have been learning how to spell words with “ey” in them. We were also taught how to join these letters together in our handwriting lesson and Mr Atkinson challenged us to use “ey” words in our pen pal letters.

Charlie – In our Grammar lesson this week we learned that speech marks are used when characters say something. We have also been correcting sentences by including speech marks.

Numeracy and Maths 

Emily M – One of the mental maths strategies we have been learning is how to use two numbers to reach 100.

Chenul – To help us with some of the more challenging fraction questions we have been learning the 6, 7, 8 and 9 time tables.

Sarah M and Hayyan – Some groups have been learning how to carry and exchange with three digit numbers. We have also been applying our understanding to solve word questions involving addition and subtraction.

Health and Wellbeing

Mason – With Mr McMillan we have been continuing to develop our rallying skills in tennis. This week we had to create a rally in a group of four. This was challenging as we had to carefully position ourselves and hit the ball to someone on the other side.

Darcy – A couple of P6 pupils visited our class and gave us a quiz on road safety. Afterwards, we created a poster and took part in a couple of activities about how to be safe near roads.

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