Primary 4A: Week Beginning 22/11/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

I have been so impressed with the children’s wonderful acts of kindness both in class and outdoors as part of Anti-Bullying Week. With the Scottish weather becoming more unpredictable please can pupils ensure that they bring appropriate clothing for P.E. in the MUGA and the outdoor learning sessions.

In addition, you can see some of the activities P4A undertakes on the school Twitter page:

Literacy and English

Isla – This week in writing we wrote another formal letter. Mr Atkinson created a scenario whereby a building company wanted to construct offices in our playground, MUGA and woodland area. He challenged us to create a letter of complaint using facts, opinions and some persuasive arguments.

Maira – In our letters we focused on including a range of openers such as firstly, secondly, in my opinion and finally.

Emma – This week we used dictionaries to help us to understand the definition of our new “or” spelling words.

Zak – We have been using our “or” spelling words to help practise our handwriting.

Numeracy and Maths

Chenul – This week our group started learning about the links between fractions and dividing. This helped us to calculate the quantity of a number.

Freya – We have been learning how to solve 3 digit addition calculations involving carrying. Some of our activities included working in pairs and creating our own calculations as well as solving word problems.

Yousaf and Hayyan – Our group have been revising place value and how to solve 2 digit calculations by using carrying.

Outdoor Learning

Daniel – As part of the RSPB Bronze Wild Challenge award we took part in a Minibeast safari. This involved searching under logs, amongst leaves and around the trees. After we found beetles and worms we made sure that we carefully returned the creatures back to their habitats.

Emily M – Whilst we were exploring the woodland we created ‘journey sticks.’ We made these by collecting materials from around the school and then connecting them to our wooden sticks.

Health and Wellbeing

Sarah M – As part of Anti-Bullying week some Primary 6 pupils came to our class to talk about the importance of kindness. Afterwards, we created kindness banners which will be displayed around the school.

Steven – This week we were developing our rallying skills in tennis. We were challenged to try to hit the ball in the direction of where our partner was standing and then they would return the ball by aiming and hitting it back.


Tia – We have been learning about the story of Jonah and the Whale with Mr McMillan. One of our activities involved ordering and sequencing events that happened from the story.

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 15/11/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

It was fantastic speaking to everyone and sharing the pupils incredible effort at Parents Evening this week. The children have been eagerly participating in the Book Week Scotland activities over the last few days!

Please remember that homework should now be completed in the Maths and Literacy homework jotters that have been issued. These must be handed in on Monday morning for me to check and return on Tuesday.

Literacy and English

Ruairidh – This week was Book Week Scotland! During the school assembly we took part in a quiz and had to guess which book each teacher loved!

Charlie – We read the book Look Up! Afterwards, we created drama scripts with our partners. One of us pretended to see the meteor shower like the event in the book and the other pupil acted as the news broadcaster. We even created props to make the drama more realistic.

Millie – We were so inspired by the book that we created our very own meteor shower!

Hadia and Emily –  This week in spelling we were writing “ou” words! One of our tasks involved trying to use dictionaries to help us discover new “ou” words. Afterwards, Mr Atkinson showed us how to join these letters together for our handwriting lesson.

Ben – Our writing piece this week was a formal letter addressed to a world leader. We had to include facts, our own opinions, addresses and it had to be written in a formal tone.

Numeracy and Maths

Emma – We have been continuing to learn about coordinates and grid references. One of the tasks was to create our very own grids and draw shapes on them. Afterwards, we had to accurately record their coordinates.

Mason – We have been revising adding two digit numbers together with carrying. We also practiced writing the calculations in the correct format.

Hayyan – Some of us have been learning the strategies to add 9 and 10 onto different numbers.


Charlie – Over the course of the week we have been researching, note-taking and rehearsing in preparation for our debate on the topic Deforestation. In our groups we decided which order to share our arguments and voted on the best responses to the opposing groups questions. It was so much fun!

Outdoor Learning

Lewis – Before we created our animal homes in the woodland area, we first learned about different types of habitats and what animal need to live. Afterwards, we worked in groups to plan and build animal shelters to help nearby creatures survive the colder days ahead.

Health and Wellbeing

Chenul – In P.E. with Mr McMillan we started developing our aiming skills in tennis.

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 08/11/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Thank you to all the pupils and parents/guardians for the kind words upon my return to class this week. I am really looking forward to sharing the pupil’s hard work and achievements so far in P4 on Parents Night next Wednesday and Thursday.

Literacy and English

Millie – We have started our letter writing series! Over the next few weeks we will be learning how to structure and write informal and formal letters. This week we wrote a letter about Bonfire Night to a relative.

Darcy – In our letters we had to use a range of descriptive vocabulary how the fireworks looked. Some of us even used similes.

Tia – Another important feature we had to include was an address!

Freya and Hadia – The class has started to learn about a reading skill called “inferencing.” This requires you to use the hints and clues the writer mentions in the text and combine it with your own knowledge to make a sensible answer.

Numeracy and Maths

Emily – We have been revising and developing our halving and doubling Mental Maths strategies.

Rohan – Some of us finished our multiplication and division topic and are about to start addition and subtraction.

Yousaf – My group has been learning about AM and PM and how to record and order schedules.

Ruairidh – We have started learning about grid references! It has been so much fun identifying, plotting and recording coordinates.

Outdoor Learning

Mason – We have been learning about the trees that surround the school as part of our RSPB Wild Challenge award. First we discussed the different types of trees and then we went on a leaf hunt to see whether we could match the fallen leaves with nearby trees.

Health and Wellbeing

Sarah M – In P.E. with Mr McMillan we started developing our dribbling skills and attacking tactics by playing games such as Captain of the Court.

Chenul – We were also challenged to see how many keepie-uppies we could do.

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