Primary 4A: Week Beginning 06/09/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

What a wonderful week we have had in P4A! All the pupils are thoroughly enjoying the class novel, George’s Marvellous Medicine.

Homework will be issued this week. This will comprise of 40 set Sumdog questions, pages from group novels, Talk homework which usually links with upcoming writing lessons, a Maths online worksheet with answers, group spelling words and spelling activities. Homework should be completed on the Google docs and submitted/handed in online. I have issued all the pupils with their Glow and Sumdog login details so please ask your child to show you these when they bring them home. In the P4A Google Classroom, I have posted additional guidance.

Literacy and English

Charlie – This week Mr Atkinson gave us all our new group reading books which we were very excited about. We also had the opportunity to read a few pages aloud with our friends.

Mason – P4A are really enjoying reading and listening to our class novel, George’s Marvellous Medicine. It is so exciting finding out what George uses his potion for! One of our activities this week involved recreating drama scenes from our favourite chapters. Some of the groups created scripts and props which they later used when they performed to the class.

Numeracy and Maths

Millie – Marvellous Measurers have been using concrete materials such as cubes and pencils to help with mastering how to confidently multiply and divide.

Darcy – At the start of some of our Maths lessons Mr Atkinson has been giving us a selection of “numbers of the day”. We then draw our Mental Maths strategy triangles and create a story, calculation and a picture about the number we have chosen. It is very fun and we enjoy sharing our strategies with our friends.

Emma/Daniel – Super Subtracters have been continuing to develop their knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 3, 4 and 5.

Lauren – Terrific Timers and Awesome Adders have been revising how to write and record o’clock and half past. We have been challenging each other by using clock faces and asking our friends to record the times.

Emily – Some of us have been playing games with the number fans to help us develop our understanding of number facts.

Outdoor Learning

Isla – We explored the Woodland area and collected different types of leaves for our art activity. In class, we placed our leaves onto black paper, traced around them and then we blended a range coloured chalk together to create a background. Some of us used our spare leaves to create animals!

Health and Wellbeing

Chenul – In P.E. with Mr McMillan we learned how to tackle and defend in our ball games.


Zak – This week we learned how to say and describe classroom objects in French. To help us remember these new phrases we created signs and labels which we displayed next to the different classroom objects.

Primary 4A: Week Beginning 30/08/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into our week.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Another busy week in primary 4A! This week I created a class Sway which will be shared by Mrs McGuigan. Within this Sway I provide details about staff members who will be working with the pupils in P4A, the current classroom organisation and some information regarding the curricular areas. I hope you find this helpful!

Woodland will start next week (Friday). Due to the nature of the Scottish weather please provide your child with appropriate clothing. This will help to ensure that they can fully participate in all of our activities.

Literacy and English

Ruairidh – We read chapters 1 and 2 of out class novel, George’s Marvellous Medicine. Then we answered questions about the chapters and made predictions on what might happen next. 

Zak – In our Writing lesson we all chose different picture prompts to help inspire us to create a plot.

Numeracy and Maths

Maria and Daniel – This week we all checked that we could successfully log onto the P4A Google Classroom and then we completed a Sumdog challenge in preparation for our homework next week.

Sarah – This week we also start learning and revising the two and three times tables.

Health and Wellbeing 

Steven – In P.E. with Mr McMillan we learned how to dribble with a basketball. Then we played different team games involving passing.

Chenul and Millie This week we had our very first hockey lesson! First of all we learned how to correctly hold the hockey stick. Then we worked with out partners to develop our passing and dribbling skills.


Hadia – Mr Atkinson challenged us to create a slide for marbles to travel down. We accomplished this by using our teamwork skills, deciding which design would be the most appropriate and giving each other responsibilities.


Lauren – This week we discussed different topic ideas and decided to learn about the climate! Our first activity involved designing a front cover for our topic jotter. I drew an Earth and extreme weather conditions.


Tia – During RME with Mr McMillan we learned about Christianity. We also were challenged to decide what events and celebrations were linked to different religions.

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