Primary 4A: Weeks Beginning 16/08/21 and 23/08/21

Welcome to the P4A class blog! We cannot wait to share all of our learning with you and hopefully this will give you an insight into what we have been doing over the first two weeks of returning to school.

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Hello! I have been so impressed with all the pupil’s hard work, eagerness and enthusiasm upon returning to school. It has been great getting to know each other and exploring our new classroom. Below is a summary of important information regarding our weekly timetable.


Tuesday – Muga with Mr Atkinson.

Thursday – Gym Hall with Mr McMillan.


On Friday we will explore the outdoor areas in the school grounds. It is recommended that pupils bring appropriate clothing as the Scottish weather can be unpredictable. I will tell the pupils if there are any changes to our Woodland day plans at the start of the week.

Below are some snapshots from our first two weeks as well as a comment explaining what we have been doing.

Literacy and English

Darcy – We have started to create a VCOP wall by writing down different words and sticking them onto the wall. In the future we will take these words off the wall to help us during our literacy lessons.

Isla – Before starting our class novel, George’s Marvellous Medicine, we discussed the features of a book. Then Mr Atkinson gave us sections of a blurb and we had to use them to create the front cover.

Numeracy and Maths

Tia – This week in Maths we have been revising subtraction, ordering numbers, addition and we also took part in maths challenges.

Freya – We wrote questions about ourselves and then wrote the number answer next to it. For example, how many pets do I own? Then we covered the answer with a coloured piece of paper with a calculation on it. Finally we challenged some of our friends to solve the questions.

Welcome Back Activities

Ruairidh – In class we used our knowledge of symmetry to create self-portraits. We cut the picture of ourselves in half and then glued one piece onto paper. Next we traced around the other half to create an outline of our body. Afterwards, we drew our hobbies and interests in our body to create a collage.

Millie – This week we created our Class Charter! First we discussed the different Rights and the UNCRC Articles and how they impact our lives. Then we decided our class rules and linked them to the Rights. Afterwards we voted on a design for the charter, we chose a mountain theme. The next day we drew climbers and glued photographs of our heads onto them!

Daniel – Each of us have created a time capsule! We measured ourselves with rulers and string and then put the string inside. We also put drawings of our hands inside and a letter to our future selves. Finally we stuck a picture of our first day in p4 on the front of the envelops.

Hadia – We all took part in a competition to design our table logos and names.

Health and Wellbeing 

Yousaf – Mr McMillan took us to the gym hall for P.E. this week. We were developing our ball skills through bouncing, passing, catching.

Steven – Mr Atkinson took us outside to the Muga and we played games with the parachute. 

Expressive Arts

Maira – This week we also had our very first music lesson! We practiced our singing and then we performed in groups. Afterwards, we all took part in a solo game whereby we had to guess who was signing.

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