All posts by Miss Amin

Character Ladders, Sequencing, Tens and Units & International Mother Tongue Languages Day!

What a fantastic week of learning it has been. This week we had the opportunity to celebrate International Mother Tongue Languages Day!

In Literacy this week, we completed a comprehension task called Character Ladders! We had excellent discussions about the characters in our books and had to justify as to why we liked and disliked them.

‘A character ladder is when you draw your favourite and least favourite characters. Your favourite character goes at the top of the ladder and your least favourite character goes at the bottom. ‘ – London

‘You choose characters from your reading book and then you decide who is your favourite and least favourite.’ – Harrison

‘We were doing Spelling Scribble to practise writing our spelling words within the Crescent Moons! Each word is in a different colour’ – Aria

To demonstrate our understanding of sequencing, we had to put instructions in order to create a moving cat!

‘Sequencing is when you put instructions in the correct order from the beginning to end.’ – Hasan

We were successful learners in creating a moving cat!

This week we have been introduced how to use a dictionary!

‘We use a dictionary to find the meaning of a tricky word.’ – Emelia

The letters in a dictionary are in alphabetical order’.’ – Luca V.

‘If you are looking for a word, you look at the first letter and then look at the second letter to help you find the word faster.’ – Jace

‘We used the dictionary to find Mrs Amin’s tricky words! It was very funny!’ – Fara

This week we had a special day called HAPPY TWOS-DAY because the date was 2.02.2022! We used our mental maths skills and maths strategies to create calculations only using the number 2!

We have been working hard to solve vertical calculations with carrying.

Carrying is when a unit is bigger than 9, and you have to carry over the remainder to the tens column.’ – Kerr

Have you seen our google classroom to see us performing a Hindi song called Shava Shava? We learnt the lyrics to a Bollywood song and learnt about Urdu and Punjabi to celebrate International Mother Tongue Languages Day!

We all came to school dressed up in the colours of the Pakistan Flag!

This week, we have came to the end of our Science Topic ‘Sun Moon and Stars’! It was great to hear the final presentations this week.

Of course, we had the opportunity to play in the fantastic snow!

Next week, we have Parents Evening and I am super excited to share our learning with you! Today, everybody has taken home their Take Home folders. I hope you enjoy looking and reflecting over your child’s learning and jotters.

Please may I ask, that on Monday you return the folder including every single jotter. The worksheets can be kept at home for you to keep! I will see you all next week! Have a wonderful weekend superstars!


Mrs Amin☺️xx



Our Amazing Sun, Moon and Stars Presentations!

We have been extremely confident whilst presenting our Sun, Moon and Stars presentations to our class audience. Every single person has worked extremely hard to showcase their learning.  We have been using a loud and clear voice whilst making eye-contact with our audience. At the end of our presentations, we welcomed questions. We ensured our questions made sense and were relevant to what was being discussed throughout the presentation.

It was incredible to see the variety of presentations we had. Some were created on posters, on a power point, on a SWAY and some of us even made non-fiction books!

We are going to create a display using our fantastic presentations. Thank you so much to everybody who worked incredibly hard to create their presentation. If you can’t see us presenting in the pictures today, do not worry, we will be presenting ours on Monday!

Come and look at us in action… ☺️


Scottish Dialect, Exploring Day & Night and Measuring and Weight!

We are back! We are delighted to be reunited with our friends again after our well deserved holiday.  We have been successful learners throughout all of our fantastic learning experiences this week.

Following on from our previous learning of Robert Burns and Scottish Poems, we created our own Scottish Poem! Just as Robert Burns made an ‘Address to a Haggis’, we did so with our favourite food!

‘In our Scottish poem we used Scottish dialect such as an’, ma, fair fa and soor’. – Thomas

‘My poem was about fish and chips. I changed my normal adjectives into Scottish adjectives.’ – Fara

We have began Science this term and we are learning about the Sun, Moon and Stars.  Firstly, we are learning to explain why we have day and why we have night.

We can:

  • identify where the natural light comes from on the earth
  • explain how long it takes the Earth to complete one full spin
  • use a globe, we can demonstrate an understanding of time zones
  • create a diagram to demonstrate how day and night are experienced at the same time on earth

In Mathematics, we are learning to estimate and weigh items using the appropriate unit of measure.

We can:

  • make a sensible estimate of the weight of the item
  • weigh the item using the scale
  • record the correct weight using grams or kilograms

‘A kilogram is made up of 1000grams.’ – Adam

Last week, we celebrated Chinese New Year! We explored the language Mandarin. We wrote our names using this language and enjoyed taking our time to carefully form the intricate letters.

Some of us even created our own stories and posters using Mandarin!

We created a Happy New Year Poster too!

For our final lesson for Drawing, we created a stormy landscape based on a Van Gogh painting using chalk.

What a busy week it has been indeed! Well done for always working so hard! Have a wonderful weekend superstars.

Lots of Love,

Mrs Amin ☺️ xx

Celebrating Burns Day and Being Scottish!

Welcome back to our blog! You will notice our blog will have a Scottish theme because we have been celebrating Robert Burns and being Scottish!

Throughout our learning experiences, their has been a Scottish theme throughout.

In Literacy, we used Scottish books to practise our skimming and scanning skills to find common words!

Some of us had never heard of Highland dancing or Ceilidh dancing. It was a great experience for everyone to learn new dances! I mean, come on… look at how great we look in our pictures with our super dance moves.

‘It was super fun because we got to dance with our friend to Scottish music.’ – London 

‘When you do ceilidh dancing, you put your arms together with a partner, then you spin the smaller partner. Then you spin together.’ – Fara

In Maths, we have learnt how to measure in inches and centimetres. We used this knowledge to create our own tartan strips.

We measured using a ruler using inches. Our strips were all measured at 1inch each.’- Emelia

We had to weave our strips over and under.’ – Ava

‘It was tricky but fun because we decided our own colours we wanted to use.’ – Hasan


As part of our Art lessons for texture, tone and line – we practised colour mixing whilst drawing fields using chalk.

For example:

yellow over red = orange

yellow over blue = green

red over blue = purple

red over yellow over blue = brown

We have shown a great interest in learning and exploring Scotland, poems and dancing. We will continue this learning as we will learn about Scottish dialect, learn to write Scottish poems like Robert Burns and continue learning how to dance!

What a wonderful week it has been Primary 3a! Thank you for always trying your best and working so hard. Have a great weekend!


Mrs Amin ☺️ xx



Repeated Addition, Fact or Opinion, Emotion Works & Les Couleurs!

As you can tell from the title of our blog, it has been an extremely busy week of learning. It has been great fun!

In Numeracy and Mathematics, we have been continuing to explore hundreds, tens and units to partition numbers and to complete vertical calculations (with and without exchanging).

We have been exploring odd and even numbers!

‘An even number ends in 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8!’ – Oscar

‘An odd number ends in 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 !’ – Gurleen

We have been learning about repeated addition. Repeated addition is adding groups of numbers together multiple times. It is a type of multiplication that will help us learn how to multiply! We had a variety of stations to help us practise solve repeated addition.

  • We had to solve repeated addition calculations from a board
  • We made Arrays with play dough
  • We sorted equal groups using counters
  • We played Hit the Button – 2, 5, 10 times timetable

In Literacy, we continued to learn about facts and opinions and we performed extremely well in our quiz!

We continue to reinforce important Literacy skills such as scanning to help us locate information within a passage.

The learning doesn’t stop yet! We have also been learning about singular and plural nouns . However, it has became trickier because we have learnt how to change a singular noun into a plural noun by using the correct ending such as es, ies or s.

‘A singular noun is when you have one of an object such as one pencil.’ – Thomas

A plural noun is when you have more than one object.’ – Fara

Harrison is extremely proud for finding all of his common words within his word search. WELL DONE!

This week, we have began a health and well-being programme called Emotion Works. Emotion works will help us discuss our feelings and emotions. We will also be learning about strategies on how to regulate our emotions when we feel different emotions such as feeling nervous, anxious or angry.

This week, we were learning to understand different emotions. We were able to identify and draw facial expressions and body language that display an emotion. We related it our own lives too and shared examples of when we feel a certain way.

Finally, please quiz us on our knowledge of French colours! We will blow you away!

What a busy week it has been indeed! Thank you to everyone for being super stars. You are all amazing! Have a wonderful weekend!

Lots of love,

Mrs Amin ☺️ xxx



Our First Blog of 2022!

Welcome back to our first blog of 2022! We are so excited to share our learning with you again as we have been extremely busy learners!

We have been continuing to learn about Adverbs. We are up-levelling our sentences by including adverbs which makes our writing more interesting and provides the reader with more information.

‘An adverb are words that describes a verb. For example, ‘I cheered loudly.’ – Lilian 

I use an adverb because  it gives more information and description.’ – Harrison

We continue to learn alternative sounds and digraphs such as ue, oo, u-e and ew. We use playdough to create our spelling words or rhyming words!

In Maths, we enjoy playing problem solving games! It helps us use our maths and numeracy skills in different ways.

This week, we have been learning about Hundreds, Tens and Units. We have also been learning how to exchange units in 3 digit number calculations. For example,  303 – 124.

We have been exploring Length and Height using metres and centimetres. Converting cm into metres is a little bit tricky, however, with continuous practise we will become confident!

We explored a variety of objects in our class to make estimations and accurate measurements in centimetres and metres.

‘ I know that 100cm is equal to 1 metre.’ – Thomas

If it is a two digit number like 85cm, it would be 0.85 metres.’ – Jace

In Art, we have been developing our drawing skills within the concept of landscape. We have been focusing on line, shape, colour, texture and pattern and a variety of media.

Our first drawing was based on a patchwork effect of fields.

‘My patchwork drawing has different tones, lines and textures.’ – Gurleen

My drawing has loads of different lines. I did diagonal, straight, curved and dots.’ – Scarlett

For our second lesson, we collected outdoor materials such as leaves, twigs and stones and drew from our observations. We studied our objects closely to identify different lines, textures and tones.

Within our Art Area, we have created a display on how to make play dough. Mrs Amin has provided us with everything that we need to enable us to make play dough independently.

It was lovely having a full week back at school. We cannot wait for next week! Just a little reminder, that Woodland and Outdoor learning has been paused for now. I will inform you all when we require the children to bring in their outdoor clothing.

Ps Harrison has found a very interesting sweet! It is supposed to be a strawberry, however, it looks like a reindeer and lobster!

Have a wonderful weekend superstars,

Love Mrs Amin ☺️ xxx


Feliz Navidad!☺️

We have nearly reached the end of term! We have had an extremely eventful week with our Christmas Party and Christmas Crafts.

Our party was great fun! We played many party games (musical bumps, corners and pass the parcel), we danced and had an amazing time with one another.  Look at our smiles in the following pictures ☺️.

In between our party snacks, we completed some Christmas Mindfulness colouring.

We used an art technique called ‘resist’ to create a Christmas Tree using oil pastels. We created a strong focal point in our art work with the use of complementary colours.

We created our very own table mats for Christmas dinner.  Using our creativity we designed them independently.  We cannot wait to use our table place mats on Christmas day!

For our Christmas Craft, we were inspired from COP26 not to use anything that included plastic. We wanted to do something for  nature and the wildlife. Therefore, we decided to create bird feeders! Our instructional writing was based on this too!

We cannot believe we are reaching the end of Term 2. It has been an extremely eventful week but an unforgettable one too!

We will not have a blog next week. Instead, we will post a Christmas video of us performing Christmas songs on our Google Classroom. We cannot wait for you to see it!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend Primary 3a. See you next week Superstars ☺️ xxx


Learning about Time, Skimming & Scanning and Handwriting!

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to our weekly blog. We have been extremely busy reinforcing our numbers to 100. We have been sequencing, ordering and identifying numbers before and after.

We have been learning how to tell the time!

We have been learning about quarter past and quarter to.’ – Emelia

Quarter past is when the long hand points to 3 and the minutes is 15.’ – Oscar

Quarter to is when the long hand points to 9 and the minute is 45.’- Yahya

‘The time tells you the hour then the minutes.’ – Adam

At the end of each day , someone gets a chocolate from our advent calendar! We come into school each day, super excited to see what our naughty elf Snowflake has been up to!

During Literacy, we had a debate and discussed the following statement in groups. We had to justify our reasons too!

Non-Fiction texts are more interesting than Fiction books.

‘I prefer fiction texts because they are more imaginative and more exciting.’ – Thomas

‘I think non-fiction books are more interesting because they have facts and real information.’ – London 

It is very important to continue our letter formation to ensure we have the neatest handwriting possible. Look at how neat our letters are!

We have been using our knowledge of nouns, adjectives and verbs to describe Christmas images!

We have been working hard to improve our comprehension skills by answering in full sentences and using the text to help us.

Skimming and Scanning is extremely important to help us find the main ideas! We will continue working on this skill to ensure we are answering questions with a correct and accurate answer.

‘Skimming is when you search for the main idea in a whole text quickly. You can normally find this information in the first line of each paragraph.’ – Fara

‘Scanning is where you search for key words in a passage.’ – Harrison 

We were using our scanning skills to find common words!

On the last week of school, we will have a little surprise for you on Google Classroom! We will have a video of us performing  some Christmas songs! We can’t wait to show you our singing. dancing and actions!

Wow! What a week! Although it is the lead up to Christmas, we are continuing to work extremely hard every day.

I wonder what we will be doing next week…!

Have a wonderful week! Love, Mrs Amin ☺️ xx


Road Safety Week, Writing a letter to Willy Wonka & Coding!

This week has been filled with many different learning experiences! It has been extremely enjoyable and we can’t wait for you to read all about it!

This week has been Road Safety Week and we have been focusing on ‘Superheroes’.

‘A road safety superhero is someone that helps you be safe on the road from getting hurt.’ – Scarlett

‘Superheroes are lollipop ladies and men, policemen/woman, firemen/women, paramedics and road constructors and many more.’ – Gurleen, Thomas, Harrison

During circle time, we had interesting conversations about different situations regarding Road Safety. We had to establish if the sentence had a hero or not!

‘For example, if someone was eating or on their phone whilst they were driving, they are not a hero.’ – Hasan

We participated in a Road Safety quiz! We are still waiting on the result to see if we won or not!

To promote ourselves being road smart and safe, we created posters!

Primary 3a had a letter received into class by the ever so famous Willy Wonka! He needs new recruits and asked if any of us would be interested in applying for job. We were extremely excited by this opportunity and wrote convincing letters to Mr Wonka to explain why we were worthy of a job in his factory.

In Maths, we have been exploring estimating and rounding!

We have also been learning about directions and movements. We have learnt how to use directions such as left, right, up, down, half turn, quarter turns, clockwise and anti-clockwise.

We have been using programmable toys such as Bee-Bots to help us practise our directions!

Today, we had the opportunity to use digital technology to play Kodable. This allowed us to practise core programming concepts through engaging games.

As COP26 is finished, we rounded it off by making promises on what we wish to do to help make a difference in the world.

Thank you so much to everyone who brought in books for our Book Advent Calendar. It has been lovely reading a different book each day!

It has been a wonderful week and today we ended this week with a Dress as you Please day! You all work very hard and blow me away every day!

See you on Monday and have a lovely weekend superstars!

Mrs Amin ☺️ xxx

The Day the Chairs Quit & Anti-Bullying Week!

It has been another busy week in Primary 3a! As we entered our class on Thursday, we were shocked to find our chairs stacked and tied away from our desk! At first we were worried! Then came a letter which stated how upset, hurt and tired our chairs were for being swung on, dragged, dropped on the floor and left alone in the night.

Our task for Writing this week, was to write a letter including all of the correct features and layout to convince the chairs to come back to us! Did we manage to write fantastic letters to convince the chairs to come back? OF COURSE WE DID!

‘In our letters, we included the date, our address and the chairs address.’ – Hasan

In Literacy, we have been working hard to consolidate our knowledge for adjectives, verbs, adverbs and nouns!

‘We were using pasta to place the speech marks in the sentences correctly.’ – Yahya

‘We had to investigate the interesting pictures and make a list of adjectives, nouns and verbs!’ –  Jessica

On leaves, we wrote adverbs to describe how and when the leaves were falling from the tree!

Lastly in Literacy, we are enjoying exploring non-fiction books. We are becoming confident in using the contents and index page to find information.

For Anti-Bully week, we have focused on kindness which also links to our school values.

We created a letter to our friend and family. We wrote an act of kindness that they have been doing for us.’ – Oscar

What a busy week it has been! You have all worked incredibly hard, well done everyone. Have a great weekend!

Love, Mrs Amin xxx