Celebrating Burns Day and Being Scottish!

Welcome back to our blog! You will notice our blog will have a Scottish theme because we have been celebrating Robert Burns and being Scottish!

Throughout our learning experiences, their has been a Scottish theme throughout.

In Literacy, we used Scottish books to practise our skimming and scanning skills to find common words!

Some of us had never heard of Highland dancing or Ceilidh dancing. It was a great experience for everyone to learn new dances! I mean, come on… look at how great we look in our pictures with our super dance moves.

‘It was super fun because we got to dance with our friend to Scottish music.’ – London 

‘When you do ceilidh dancing, you put your arms together with a partner, then you spin the smaller partner. Then you spin together.’ – Fara

In Maths, we have learnt how to measure in inches and centimetres. We used this knowledge to create our own tartan strips.

We measured using a ruler using inches. Our strips were all measured at 1inch each.’- Emelia

We had to weave our strips over and under.’ – Ava

‘It was tricky but fun because we decided our own colours we wanted to use.’ – Hasan


As part of our Art lessons for texture, tone and line – we practised colour mixing whilst drawing fields using chalk.

For example:

yellow over red = orange

yellow over blue = green

red over blue = purple

red over yellow over blue = brown

We have shown a great interest in learning and exploring Scotland, poems and dancing. We will continue this learning as we will learn about Scottish dialect, learn to write Scottish poems like Robert Burns and continue learning how to dance!

What a wonderful week it has been Primary 3a! Thank you for always trying your best and working so hard. Have a great weekend!


Mrs Amin ☺️ xx



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