The Day the Chairs Quit & Anti-Bullying Week!

It has been another busy week in Primary 3a! As we entered our class on Thursday, we were shocked to find our chairs stacked and tied away from our desk! At first we were worried! Then came a letter which stated how upset, hurt and tired our chairs were for being swung on, dragged, dropped on the floor and left alone in the night.

Our task for Writing this week, was to write a letter including all of the correct features and layout to convince the chairs to come back to us! Did we manage to write fantastic letters to convince the chairs to come back? OF COURSE WE DID!

‘In our letters, we included the date, our address and the chairs address.’ – Hasan

In Literacy, we have been working hard to consolidate our knowledge for adjectives, verbs, adverbs and nouns!

‘We were using pasta to place the speech marks in the sentences correctly.’ – Yahya

‘We had to investigate the interesting pictures and make a list of adjectives, nouns and verbs!’ –  Jessica

On leaves, we wrote adverbs to describe how and when the leaves were falling from the tree!

Lastly in Literacy, we are enjoying exploring non-fiction books. We are becoming confident in using the contents and index page to find information.

For Anti-Bully week, we have focused on kindness which also links to our school values.

We created a letter to our friend and family. We wrote an act of kindness that they have been doing for us.’ – Oscar

What a busy week it has been! You have all worked incredibly hard, well done everyone. Have a great weekend!

Love, Mrs Amin xxx





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