Growth Mindset, PE, Stone Age Decoding and Poems!

We have been working hard to learn strategies on how to strengthen our mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset!

Growth Mindset is the way we think about things and this encourages us to believe in ourselves, to have an ‘I can do it’ attitude’. Growth Mindset reminds us that we don’t have to be perfect at everything . We are learning that mistakes are part of journey and that they are okay to make!  🙂

We created Growth Mindset posters! On our brain, half of the brain was a fixed mindset and the other was a growth mindset. Fixed mindset is where we give up or get frustrated when we cannot do things!

To help us with our learning, we will be continuing to enforce a growth mindset throughout everything we do!

In Maths, we have been continuing to learn about Place Value. This is where we split two digit numbers into tens and units!

Using this knowledge, we have been learning how to complete vertical calculations!

We have reached the end of our Stone Age topic! We have answered all of our questions and have enjoyed learning new facts about the prehistoric time!

As part of our final lesson, we explored Stone Age symbols. We then had to use a key to translate the Stone Age symbols into English!

Using our knowledge of the Stone Age we created an Acrostic Poem!

Throughout Literacy, we have been working on our comprehension skills. This week we have focused on finding information!

We use magnetic letters to help consolidate our spelling sound and to practise our spelling words.

Mrs Loban took us out for PE and we had an amazing time! We are continuing to work on our gross motor skills.

As it is Bonfire night, we learnt about how Bonfire night came to existence! Thereafter, we had an important discussion about the safety regarding fireworks.

During our Art lesson, we were focusing on line and texture using chalk to create our own fireworks!

This week has been an eventful week, especially with Break the Rules day! It has been amazing and we have enjoyed every minute of it. I cannot wait to speak to you in depth about all the amazing learning that takes place during Parent’s Night next week.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Amin☺️



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