Come and read about our Amazing Learning!

We have another amazing blog to showcase our learning for the week! We have been working extremely hard to learn about Adjectives and Common Nouns.

‘An adjective is a describing word such as slow, big and small.’ – Adam

‘A common noun is a place, thing, name or idea.’ – Lilian

We have completed a variety of activities to practise recognising and differentiating between Adjectives and Nouns.

We worked in pairs to describe a variety of images and had to use AMAZING ADJECTIVES!

Whilst we complete dictation, we identified the different Adjectives within the sentences.

‘We went on a Nouns hunt across our classroom and we found lots of Nouns like toilet, cloakroom, plant and tables.’ – Kerr

In PE, we have been developing our skills and techniques to improve our level of performance and fitness. We have been recognising our own and peers progress by discussing our thoughts and feelings. We have also been giving and accepting feedback from our peers!

During our Stone Age topic, we have been working in teams to create our own Stone Age Houses!

Thank you so much to everyone for bringing in cardboard to allow us to do this ☺️.

This week has been incredibly fun and exciting. We cannot wait to continue learning after our holidays. Everyone works so hard and always tries their best!

Have an amazing and well deserved holiday Primary 3a! Have fun and be safe!

Lots of love,

Mrs Amin ☺️ xxx

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