Cave Paintings, Fractions and Adjectives!

Welcome to another week of amazing learning in Primary 3a! It has been an extremely busy week. We have enjoyed using our imagination across all curricular areas!

Numeracy and Mathematics

We have continued working very hard learning about fractions. We can now identify half and quarter of a shape and have also been learning how to split a line into halves and quarter. We have been using a fraction wall to help support our understanding of which fraction is bigger!

‘The bottom number tells us how many equal parts there are. The smaller the number, the bigger the equal part.’ – Fara

‘We made a Fraction Man. We split the paper into a whole, quarter and halves.’ – Hasan

‘I only used one piece of paper to create my whole, half and quarter. As I cut each fraction part, the piece of paper got smaller.’ – Harrison

During our Mental Maths starters, we have been practising our Subitising skills. We are continuing to develop our ability to instantaneously recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them individually.

We play loop cards to enhance our mental maths when solving calculations.


This week we have been completing Kung Fu Punctuation! This is an active approach to help us learn about capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, commas and question/exclamation marks.

We worked in teams to solve Mrs Amin sentences. She was extremely tired and forgot the punctuation within her story! Oops Mrs Amin!

We have been learning about adjectives! We were finding adjectives within our reading book. Adjectives will allow us to make our writing ideas and stories more interesting and captivating. It will also provide the reader with more information about our characters and setting.

‘An adjective is a describing word. An adjective describes a noun.’ – Gurleen

‘A noun is a word which is a place, thing or person. An adjective describes a noun.’ – Scarlett

The Stone Age – Cave Paintings

Cave paintings are a type of art, found on the wall or ceilings of caves. They originate from the Stone Age! We explored a variety of Paintings from the Stone Age which sparked interesting conversations. We learnt new vocabulary and had the opportunity to discuss our feelings and thoughts related to each painting.

We captured the ethos of the people who lived in the Stone Age and created our own Cave Paintings! We were only allowed to use materials that were existent in the Stone Age. Although this was challenging, we used our problem solving skills and imagination to create our paintings!

We mushed berries to create paints and different colours.’ – Oscar

‘We used sticks to paint as that is what was used in the Stone Age.’ – Charlotte

‘We used our nature skills to create paintings using outdoor materials. ‘ – Kerr

Although it was a short week, it was an incredibly busy week for sure! Well done for working extremely hard throughout Term 1 boys and girls. You have all settled amazingly in to class and have been such a joy to teach. I hope you all have a lovely long weekend. Enjoy!

Love Mrs Amin xxx


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