We have had the Best Week of Learning!

This week in Primary 3 we have been super busy exploring all curricular areas!


We have been learning how to create an interesting and capturing imaginative story.

‘I recreated my favourite story and changed the beginning, middle and end. My story had a sequence of events.’ – Oscar

‘We learnt about VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation). VCOP makes our writing more interesting and detailed.’ – Jace

‘To achieve our success criteria, we had to use capital letters, full stops and clear finger spaces.’ – Max M.

We have been introduced to our Handwriting jotters too! Each week, we will be practising our letter formation to ensure it is neat, on the line and clear.

‘Our letters for the week were c, o, a, d, g, and q. Each letter begins with the formation of c.’ – Lilian

Numeracy and MathematicsĀ 

‘We have been learning about the concept of time.’ – Oscar

‘I know how to read the clock when it says o’clock and half past.’ – Kerr

‘I practised my mental maths skills for addition by using loop cards.’ – Harrison

‘During our mathematics, we have been adding two digit numbers. We have been using number talks to solve the calculations. We are learning to add the tens and units together.’ – Scarlett

‘I have been practising to add and subtract near doubles. Near double is when a digit is close to a double. For example, 10 + 9 = 19, which is almost the same as 10 + 10 = 20.’ – Fara

Other Curricular Areas

Our Social Studies concept this term will be the Stone Age. The children selected this period of time after they were provided with the relevant Experiences and Outcomes.

‘In PE, we completed an obstacle course with javelin, long jump, shot putt and hurdles.’ – Adam

‘In Music, we were learning how to keep the beat to different songs and rhymes.’ – Luca R.

‘Bonjour! I can say ‘my name is Emelia’ in French!’. – Emelia

This week has been exceptionally busy exploring all curriulcar areas. We cannot wait for next week!

Just a little reminder, we have uploaded a SWAY about our classroom, which will provide you information of our daily school life!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, you have all worked extremely hard!

Love Mrs Amin xxx



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