Week Beginning 11th March 2024

This week with Mrs Docherty, we read the story of Katie Morag and the New Pier. Katie Morag lives on an island. Mrs Docherty challenged us to build a shelter that we could use if we were deserted on an island!

We had to think about what materials would be suitable for keeping us warm and dry. Then we tested our shelters against wind and rain. Here are our finished creations:

Some pictures of our time in the woodland last week. We were creating pieces of art using materials we could find.

We have started to discuss the topic of friendship. We discussed what it means to be a good friend. We created our own friendship tree where we each made a leaf with a drawing that displayed how to be a good friend.

We are working hard on all of our numeracy skills!

Have a great weekend!

Week Beginning 4th March 2024

This week we have been very busy as we have celebrated World Book Day!

We have enjoyed some reading for pleasure time at the start of every day this week! It has been a good chance to try reading some new books and share recommendations with friends.

As part of World Book Day celebrations, we were very lucky to be visited by P7s. They had written their own stories and were very kind to come and share them with us. We loved them!

As part of our World Book Day activities, we learnt about the author Nathan Bryon. We read one of his books called ‘Speak Up!’. We learned about his life and his journey to becoming an author. We created freeze frames about important events in his life and used the iPads to take pictures. Then we used our freeze frames to create a timeline of his life!

On Tuesday morning our writing looked very different as we came into class to find that our chairs had quit! We had to write them a letter convincing them to come back. It was tricky to write  without chairs! Luckily, by playtime our letters  had worked and the chairs returned!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you next week 🙂

Week Beginning 26th February 2024

It was lovely to speak to so many parents and grown ups at our Parent’s Evenings this week. I enjoyed sharing P2B’s amazing learning.

We have been adding tens and units.

We have been identifying patterns and sequences with numbers.

We have been adding and subtracting using a number line.

This week during gymnastics, we have been continuing to develop our travelling, jumping, and balancing skills. It was fun to jump off of the benches!

We have been thinking about why certain animals are found in some climates but not in other climates. We each had an animal and had to tell our partner which climate we thought this animal would live in and why. We then moved around the circle to share with lots of different talking partners.

We have been challenging our construction skills and enjoyed exploring K’nex this week.

We built a carnival.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Week Beginning 19th February 2024

Another busy week in Primary 2B! We hope you enjoy having our jotters home to look at this week. I’m sure you will be impressed by all our hard work this term. I’m looking forward to sharing more of our learning at Parent’s Night next week!

Miss Ross 🙂


During numeracy we enjoy using think, pair, share to discuss our mental maths. Sharing our ideas with a partner helps us to explain our strategies.

We enjoy playing lots of numeracy games to practise our skills. We even like to challenge ourselves!


This week, we were learning about different climate zones. We worked in groups to find information about 1 climate zone. We had different types of information to look at including texts to read, videos to watch and recorded information to listen to. We then had to share our findings and teach the others in group about our climate zone.

We are practising our skills of using warm and cold colours. We painted a picture of a chosen climate zone.

We built a habitat for an animal in a climate zone.

We built the polar zone.

We were role playing as scientists and weather forecasters.



Week Beginning 5th February 2024

This week during Literacy we were learning about common nouns and proper nouns. We worked in groups to sort the common nouns and proper nouns into the correct column.

We love writing sentences!

We enjoyed building waterproof homes.

Thank you to everyone who managed to come along to our open afternoons. Primary 2B loved sharing their learning and showing their grown ups around the classroom. Everyone was so busy we didn’t manage to take any pictures!

I hope you all have a lovely February weekend and look forward to hearing about it when we are back on Wednesday.


Week Beginning 29th January

This week during Numeracy, we have been continuing to learn about time. This week, we learned that there are 60 seconds in 1 minute.

We closed our eyes and tried to guess when 1 minute had passed.

We challenged ourselves to see how many times we could complete an activity in 1 minute!

How many towers of 10 cubes could we build?

How many times could we count to 10?

How many times could we write our name?

How many star jumps or hops could we do?

We have been enjoying learning about the weather. We conducted an experiment to find out which materials are waterproof. We tested paper, paper towels, rubber gloves, wax crayon and plastic bags.

We wrote a report on our findings.

Have a lovely weekend and see you next week! 🙂

Week Beginning 22nd January

What a busy week in P2b!

We have been working hard to write sentences. We make sure to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We are working hard to spell all common words correctly.

We like playing games to practise our common words.

We have started to learn about time this week. We have learning about o’clock and half past.

We like to use show me boards to share our answers.

We have been continuing to learn all about the weather! The storm this week had us thinking during our play.

We built a storm proof building.

We drew weather pictures.

We changed our role play area into a weather station. We thought scientists might find out about the weather here!

In PE, we continued with our gymnastics. This week we were learning how to perform different types of rolls.

Have a lovely weekend, see you next week!

Week Beginning 15th January 2024

Primary 2 have been interested in the cold and icy weather this week as we started our new topic of the weather!

We kept a weather diary this week. It has mostly been cold and frosty.

We learned about a new art technique called collage. We started to create a winter collage. We had to choose cool colours and think about different textures.

We have been learning how to answer questions in sentences. We enjoy answering questions about different texts.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Week Beginning 8th January 2024

It was lovely to see P2b back to school this week. We have enjoyed hearing about what our friends got up to during the holidays.

We have enjoyed continuing our Daily Literacy Learning.

We have been setting New Year’s goals. We discussed what makes a good target and how we can achieve them.

In PE, we started our block of gymnastics. We have been learning how to balance. We know what a successful balance looks like.

We were giving feedback to our peers on their balancing.

Have a lovely weekend!

Week Beginning 18th December

Final Festive Week!

At the beginning of this week, on Monday afternoon, we joined the other P2 classes in the hall for the P2 Christmas party!

We played lots of fun party games, enjoyed music and dancing, and finished off with a snack to take home! We all looked amazing in our party clothes!

We made snow globes as our Christmas craft! We used clay to make a Christmas tree or a snowman as the centre feature of our snow globe. They looked fantastic in the end!

We also decorated a Christmas decoration gifted to us by Miss Ross and Miss McLemon. They look fabulous and I’m sure might end up on some Christmas trees!

What a wonderful last week we have had in P2B! I would like to extend my thanks for all the lovely cards and presents that both myself and Miss McLemon have received, we really appreciate it! I hope you all have a fun-filled festive break and I look forward to seeing you all back in January!

Miss Ross 🙂

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