Have the best summer Primary 2B! You have been a pleasure to teach this year. All the best for Primary 3! Miss Ross x
All posts by Gillian Ross
Week Beginning 17th June 2024
Our last full week of P2!
On Monday we had a great start to our week by going on our school trip to the RSPB. We had a go at building habitats for the different minibeasts that live in the woods. We also became plant detectives and tried to identify the different types of trees and plants by looking for their leaves.
We got so lucky being able to have our lunch in the sun!
This week, we have been making our stories that we have written into books! We were so excited to become authors. We invited P1s and the rest of our P2 friends to come and visit our ‘Book Publishing Showcase’! We had an amazing time sharing our stories with them.
Week Beginning 10th June 2024
Sports Week!
This week we enjoyed a range of activities to celebrate Sports Week. We enjoyed learning about the 2024 Euros Competition and we designed a new Scotland football strip.
Sports Day was the highlight of our week and thanks to all family members who were able to come along and support P2B! We hope you enjoyed the live action version as it was so busy we didn’t manage to take any pictures!!
Here we are enjoying our dance workshop with Miss Lamb on Tuesday.
Week Beginning 27th May 2024
This week during Art, we explored colour, line and shape. We continued to look at the work of abstract artist Kandinsky and how he expressed emotions through his paintings.
We worked as class to use different colours, lines and shapes to represent the emotions happy, sad, angry, confused and scared.
We enjoy challenging ourselves!
This week, we have started to investigate what plants need to grow. We learned that plants need water, sunlight and the right temperature to grow. We each planted our own sunflower seed and can’t wait to look after them. Keep an eye on our blog to watch them grow!
Week Beginning 13th May 2024
This week was exciting as we went onΒ walk around our local area. We took our clip boards and recorded the types of buildings that we found in our community. We saw lots of houses, 2 schools, a restaurant, a shop, a hairdressers and we even saw a police car drive by with it’s lights on!
Back in class we started to look at maps of our local area. We discussed why maps are useful and what information they tell us. We started to create our own maps of our local area and used symbols to represent different amenities. We made sure our maps included a key to show what each symbol represents.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine π
Week Beginning 6th May 2024
A short week packed full of fun learning!
We looked at some abstract artists and took inspiration from Kandinsky to create our own circles patterns. Then we cut these out into the shapes of houses, flats, shops, and schools to create a class ‘community’ collage. The collage looks amazing on our display board in the corridor!
In PE we have been continuing to practise our throwing and catching. We worked in small groups and had to throw the ball to the person in the next hoop. We also practised balancing a ball on a racket. We had to walk back and forwards whilst balancing it.
Have a lovely weekend, see you all next week!
Week Beginning 29th April 2024
This week, we started our new Community topic. We split into groups and found out about a person in the community that helps us. We then had to report back to our teams and create a poster about some of the people who help us in the community.
In Science, we have been learning about our 5 senses. During Woodland, we went on a ‘senses walk’ and made a note of things that we could see, smell, touch, and hear.
Friday afternoon was so much fun as we took part in Crookfur’s Colour Run! Our lovely white t-shirts didn’t look like this once we were finished! I hope you have a lovely long weekend and manage to get rid of all the powder! π
Week Beginning 22nd April 2024
This week we have enjoyed the lovely sunshine. We decided to take our Numeracy outside and explore using the signs for equal and not equal. We collected natural materials that we could find in our garden.
This week in Writing, we explored a story that is favourite of our class, Chicken Licken. We created story maps to help us to remember the events of the story and allow us to retell it. Then we wrote the beginning of the story.
During Literacy, we have been exploring using speech marks to show when a character is speaking. Chicken Licken likes to say “the sky is falling!” We used macaroni to add speech marks into sentences.
Have a lovely weekend!
Week Beginning 15th April 2024
It was lovely to welcome everyone back from the Easter Holidays, especially as we celebrated Crookfur Culture Week! We have taken part in lots of fun activities to learn all about Ramadan and Eid.
- We had a special visitor who shared experiences of celebrating Ramadan and Eid. She was impressed with all of our knowledge!
We had PE in the classroom this week and had a go at trying Bollywood dancing. We also looked at dances from other cultures like Ireland & South Africa.
We created our own henna patterns and translated our names into Arabic! On Friday, some of us enjoyed getting lovely henna patterns on our hands.
In the Woodland, we made prayer mats using natural materials.
What a fabulous week celebrating Eid! Have a lovely weekend.
Week Beginning 25th March 2024
Last week in the Woodland, we had a great time making symmetrical patterns out of natural materials that we could find.
We created a piece of art using a bunny template. We had to create a pattern for the background and then we used different types of line to fill in our bunny.
Have a lovely Spring Holiday everyone and I will see you all in 2 weeks! Miss Ross π