Another busy week in Primary 2B! We hope you enjoy having our jotters home to look at this week. I’m sure you will be impressed by all our hard work this term. I’m looking forward to sharing more of our learning at Parent’s Night next week!
Miss Ross 🙂
During numeracy we enjoy using think, pair, share to discuss our mental maths. Sharing our ideas with a partner helps us to explain our strategies.
We enjoy playing lots of numeracy games to practise our skills. We even like to challenge ourselves!
This week, we were learning about different climate zones. We worked in groups to find information about 1 climate zone. We had different types of information to look at including texts to read, videos to watch and recorded information to listen to. We then had to share our findings and teach the others in group about our climate zone.
We are practising our skills of using warm and cold colours. We painted a picture of a chosen climate zone.
We built a habitat for an animal in a climate zone.
We built the polar zone.
We were role playing as scientists and weather forecasters.