We have had a lovely week in Primary 2B! Have a look at our pictures below.
I hope you all have a lovely September weekend and I will see you all next week!
This week in Numeracy we have been continuing to look at numbers and strategies we can use to add and take away. With Miss McLemon we have been investigating 2D shape. During our Woodland time, we were creating 2D shapes using natural resources.
This week in Literacy we were writing about Harvest. We have been creating some super sentences!
Last week we designed our own coat of arms. This week we explored primary colours and how we can mix them together to make secondary colours. We used this knowledge to help us begin to paint our coat of arms.
Thomas – we have been learning to add and take away.
Clara – we have been painting our shields.
Martha – we were making shapes outside.
Emilia – we have been learning about Harvest. We wrote sentences about it.
Harvey – we have been learning about knights and castles. We have been designing our own coat of arms.