Week Beginning 18th September 2023

We have had a lovely week in Primary 2B! Have a look at our pictures below.

I hope you all have a lovely September weekend and I will see you all next week!

This week in Numeracy we have been continuing to look at numbers and strategies we can use to add and take away. With Miss McLemon we have been investigating 2D shape. During our Woodland time, we were creating 2D shapes using natural resources.

This week in Literacy we were writing about Harvest. We have been creating some super sentences!

Last week we designed our own coat of arms. This week we explored primary colours and how we can mix them together to make secondary colours. We used this knowledge to help us begin to paint our coat of arms.

Thomas – we have been learning to add and take away.

Clara – we have been painting our shields.

Martha – we were making shapes outside.

Emilia – we have been learning about Harvest. We wrote sentences about it.

Harvey – we have been learning about knights and castles. We have been designing our own coat of arms.

Week Beginning 11th September 2023

This week in Primary 2 we have been continuing to practise our common words and initial sounds. We have been looking at statement sentences and question sentences and deciding whether we need a full stop or a question mark!

In numeracy we have been continuing to work on our adding and subtracting and numbers to 100. We have enjoyed challenging ourselves to see what number we can reach counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s!

We have been learning about a knight’s armour and what they wear to keep themselves protected. We have been thinking about different materials that would be suitable for a knight’s shield and started to design our own coat of arms!

Hussain – we have been learning about what a knight’s shield is made out of. We have been thinking about what materials would be good for a shield and which materials would break.

Zac – we have been making our own coat of arms.

Hudson – we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes.

Felicity – we have been learning about a knight’s armour and we were reading ‘ The Knight Who Wouldn’t Fight’.

Micah – we were writing about the Autumn season.

Week Beginning 4th September 2023

We have had another busy week in Primary 2!

In Literacy, we have been using our active spelling activities to practise our ‘sh’ and ‘ch’ words. This week, our story of the week has been ‘The Knight Who Said No!’. We created storyboards by drawing pictures to retell the story.

In Numeracy, we have been continuing to work on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We managed to count all the way to 100 in 5s! We have continued to consolidate our addition skills too.

We have been learning about knights and this week we learned all about a knight’s daily routine. We acted out their daily routine and then created freeze frames in groups! We have been able to compare our daily routines with a knight’s.

During PE, we have been practising keeping possession of the ball. We have been taking the ball for a walk, keeping it close to us and practised throwing and catching.


Week Beginning 28th August 2023

Primary 2 have continued to work so hard this week! It was lovely to meet so many parents and carers on Wednesday night at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions! See what we have been up to in class below!

In Literacy this week we have been continuing to work on our initial sounds, blends and common words.

During Numeracy, we have been practising our addition and subtraction skills.

As part of our IDL topic this week, we explored the Capelrig stones right next to our school! We discovered the local legend of silver being buried between 3 stones and so we created our own treasure maps!

Lewis – We sorted the seasons and the months.

Olivia – We made treasure maps to find the silver between 3 stones.

Esme – We have been looking at pictures of the Capelrig stones in groups.

Theo – We have been writing about what we did at the weekend.

Billy – We were learning how to control the ball in P.E so that it doesn’t roll away from us. We keep it nice and steady.

Jack – We have learning ways we can bounce back if we are sad or angry.

Week beginning 21st August 2023

We have had a busy first full week in primary 2! See us in action below!

Martha – We have been doing lots of counting and learning how to draw the numbers neatly.

Zayna – We have been rhyming words in literacy.

Brody – We have started our self portraits.

Niomi – We have learning the days of the week.

Robyn – We have learning about the months of the year.

Daisy – We have been making different structures with Lego, Kinex and cubes.


First Week of P2!

Welcome to P2b’s blog!

We can’t wait to share all of our learning here this year.

Primary 2 have had such fun exploring their new  classroom and making lots of new friends.

We have started to create our class charter and discussed how we can respect everyone’s rights. We have created a picture of ourselves to go on our charter which you can see in our picture.

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