Mars Rover, Saturn and Subtraction


This week in P1a we have been continuing our Space Topic learning. Our writing task this week was to complete a fact file page about the planet Saturn and following on from last week’s learning about Mars, we used the metal loose parts to design our own Mar’s Rovers. We displayed them on our red carpet because it looks just like the surface of Mars.

In Literacy, we continue to investigate Non Fiction texts and we have discovered lots of new facts about animal skeletons and eyes. We have also been working hard to consolidate our phonics using our single sounds, blends and digraphs in a variety of different activities.

In Maths our number focus has been subtraction and we have been working on our number bonds in our mental maths activities.

Miss Bishop has been teaching us about different materials.

And Mrs Grieve has been teaching us how to safely use knives when we are preparing food.

What started as a simple building of a park, has turned into Jurassic World


It has been so lovely to see the construction developing as the week has gone on. The children have taken their learning forward by adding additional creatures and signage – they even added a gift shop!

Here are some more photos of this week’s learning.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Adventures on the Activity Trail


This wee in literacy, we have been revising our digraphs and Common Words and we have been reading non fiction texts.

In Numeracy we have been working on our subtraction skills and our mental maths. Our measuring skills came in very useful when we planted the bean plants outdoors – we had to work out how many to a row, how far apart to space them and we compared the heights of them all.

We worked really hard to fix the area of the garden where some compost had been left out in the rain – we got a bit muddy, but were proud to be responsible citizens!

This week in our Space Topic we were learning about the planet Mars, we wrote our fact files and we challenged one another to a sort the planets into order race – it got very competitive, but we had our inflatable solar system to use as a handy reference.

In the Creative Area we have been working with paint and clay this week.

And finally, we found a break in the weather today and went down to the Activity Trail for “The best PE lesson ever!”.

Have a great weekend.


Ramadan and Rockets

This week we have been learning all about Ramadan and celebrating Eid. Our classmates who celebrate Eid told us about their family celebrations and we made Eid lanterns.

It was tricky to get the shape of the lanterns right, but we all persevered.

We named our class rocket Flash and set up Mission Control.

Our writing task this week was all about the planet Jupiter and we have been learning how rockets take off and land. We designed our own rockets for our Space display.






Here are some more photos from this week’s learning.