Sunshine, Space and Solar System adventures.

We have had such a great week, making the most of the nicer weather. In PE we have been working on our throwing and catching skills.


Our Space Topic has been at the centre of so many learning opportunities this week. We have been creating a Space Fact File in our writing lesson and we’ve watched stories from the International Space Station, built a rocket to play in (we even made Space Helmets for the astronauts and we completed a STEM challenge to build rockets out of our construction toys.

We travelled to Outer Space for our story yoga

We drew Solar Systems in the creative area

And we learned about Nebulae and created our own in the sensory tank.

Here are more photos of our learning this week.

Finally – who do you think should win our Rocket Challenge?

Have a fabulous long weekend, can’t wait to hear all about it on Tuesday.


Earth Day, Abstract Art and the best dressed dolls in P1!

Welcome to our first blog post of our final term in Primary One. Today we celebrated Earth Day with a special assembly and we spread our BBC Green Planet seed bombs in the woodland area – we will watch closely to see if our wildflowers grow.

In Art this week we have been learning about Abstract art and the artist Jackson Pollock. It was so interesting to look at the same piece of art and discover that we could all see different things, ranging from a deer to a bonfire and to faces.

We created our own Jackson Pollock inspired art work – outdoors (it was very messy)

And then we displayed it in the classroom. On the wall, we could see so many different things in each of the pictures.

Here are some more pictures of this week’s learning. As always, the construction areas have been very busy.

As has the House Corner

Mrs Dougall’s mum has been very busy knitting new outfits for our dolls!

We are all so happy to be back in class with our friends again.

I hope the weather holds out and everyone has a great weekend – can’t wait to hear everyone’s news on Monday.

Happy Easter!

And just like that, another term in Primary One is over! This week, we have been learning all about the Easter Story and using our Ninja Skills to try and predict the weather – which has been so tricky!

In Maths we have been learning about Place Value.

In Literacy we have been consolidating out Word Boundary knowledge.

If you look over on our Google Classroom, you will be able to see our fantastic Stop Motion Films that we created with the help of Miss Bishop.

We have been looking really closely at the Daffodils in our creative area and painting still life pictures.

Outdoors, we planted beans (we hope they are magic!) and we tidied up the outdoors planting area so that we can grow lots of interesting things next term.

Here are a few more pictures of this week’s learning.

I hope everyone has a fabulous Spring Break and look forward to hearing everyone’s stories when we get back.