Scots tales and Gingerbread Fun in Primary 1a.

We started this week celebrating Burns’ Night by reading the Neeps and Tatties story and acting it out. The book is written in Scots and so we had to research some of the words that we did not understand and then we acted out part of the story and some of our new words to help us remember them.






In literacy this week, we continue to develop our knowledge of single sounds and digraphs. As our reading books become more challenging, we are able to complete more literacy tasks using them.

In Maths this week, we have been learning to create, continue and record more complex patterns.

Our story of the week was The Gingerbread Man, all week we have been recreating the story in lots of different ways and today we baked and decorated our own Gingerbread Men – the classroom smelled amazing!

We have managed to pack so much learning in this week, I think everyone is ready for the weekend!


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