Snow, Shapes and the Salon!

Welcome back to our new term! I hope everyone had a fantastic break.

This week we have been enjoying being back with our friends and we had great fun investigating the snow.






In Literacy & English we have been recapping our sounds from last term, using them in a range of activities.

Our Growth Mindset lesson this week was all about persevering when we find something tricky, and sharing our skills.  There was lots of sharing of ideas.






In maths this week, we have been learning about the difference between 2D and 3D shapes. We have been dharing our knowledge of 3D shapes in the construction area.  We even managed to find some 3D shapes outdoors.

Here are more pictures of our learning this week.

Finally, I leave you with this lovely shot from our Role Play area, where hair was being pleated and straightened expertly, they even remembered to wear hairdressing gowns!

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