Scots tales and Gingerbread Fun in Primary 1a.

We started this week celebrating Burns’ Night by reading the Neeps and Tatties story and acting it out. The book is written in Scots and so we had to research some of the words that we did not understand and then we acted out part of the story and some of our new words to help us remember them.






In literacy this week, we continue to develop our knowledge of single sounds and digraphs. As our reading books become more challenging, we are able to complete more literacy tasks using them.

In Maths this week, we have been learning to create, continue and record more complex patterns.

Our story of the week was The Gingerbread Man, all week we have been recreating the story in lots of different ways and today we baked and decorated our own Gingerbread Men – the classroom smelled amazing!

We have managed to pack so much learning in this week, I think everyone is ready for the weekend!


Tartan, Rapunzel, Puppets and Ninjas!

Another busy week in Primary One. We have been learning about Tartan and working on our weaving skills. We investigated different tartans that match some of our surnames and then we created our very own P1a Rainbow Tartan – we are very proud of how it turned out!

In ICT this week, Miss Bishop showed up how to safely log on and off using the crome books. The we had a series of tasks to complete which helped develop our mouse pad skills.

In literacy we continue to practise our digraph sounds and the story of the week was Rapunzel. We read different versions of the story and investigated the differences – we liked the modern version where Rapunzel learned lots of different skills in the tower and then went to live in the castle to help her friend the prince (after she restored his eyesight). She even brought the wicked witch with her to work in the castle garden. We wrote our own story maps and one of the children even created a set of puppets which will now enhance the library puppet theatre.






                                                     In Maths we continue to develop our numeracy skills using practical activities.

We have been learning to dance using streamers






And in PE we have been developing our striking and fielding skills.

Our Ninja stories continue to develop, this week they made it into the classroom!

Here are a few more photos of our learning for you to enjoy!

I hope everyone has a great weekend – look forward to hearing all about it next week.

Pigs, Birds and Ninjas

This term in P1A we will have a focus on traditional tales and we started this week looking at the story of The Three Little Pigs.

We have read different versions of the story, watched a  version of the story in French and this week’s writing task was to create a story journey.

Our Growth Mindset Lesson this week focused on team work and overcoming challenge.

In maths this week, we continued our learning about shapes and developed our numeracy skills using a range of learning supports.

In preparation for the RSPB Big Bird Watch at the end of January, we have been learning about the garden birds that can be found in our area. We learned what the birds like to eat, how to feed them and in art, we have created bird table pictures.








Outdoors, we have been developing out Gross Motor Skills, climbing and building – we’ve also been developing our story writing skills with a very complicated Ninja warrior game!

Here are a few more pictures of our learning this week.

I hope everyone has great weekend and look forward to another fabulous week of learning.


Snow, Shapes and the Salon!

Welcome back to our new term! I hope everyone had a fantastic break.

This week we have been enjoying being back with our friends and we had great fun investigating the snow.






In Literacy & English we have been recapping our sounds from last term, using them in a range of activities.

Our Growth Mindset lesson this week was all about persevering when we find something tricky, and sharing our skills.  There was lots of sharing of ideas.






In maths this week, we have been learning about the difference between 2D and 3D shapes. We have been dharing our knowledge of 3D shapes in the construction area.  We even managed to find some 3D shapes outdoors.

Here are more pictures of our learning this week.

Finally, I leave you with this lovely shot from our Role Play area, where hair was being pleated and straightened expertly, they even remembered to wear hairdressing gowns!