Spiders, pizzas and secrets!

The secret is finally out, we are able to perform our Nativity in front of a live audience this year and we are all beyond excited. I have sent home lines this week and would really appreciate if you could practise these at home. We are spending as much time as we can in class rehearsing and it makes such a difference if the children are confident in what they are to say, then all of the other components like when to say it and where to say it will hopefully all fall into place!

This week, we were able to use our fraction knowledge when we made pizzas – we halved tomatoes and mushrooms, some of the bits of pepper were quartered and everyone made sure that the whole base was covered in tomato.

In literacy, we continue to learn new sounds (this week was y and x), develop our knowledge of the common words and use all of our new reading skills in a variety of activities.

In the areas, we continue to consolidate our learning through play –


Our Growth Mindset activity this week was based around Incy Wincy Spider – we talked about not giving up and then the children created their own spider and then pledged something that they are going to try really hard to achieve. I’m sure you’ll be delighted to hear that there will be a lot of room tidying, bike riding, sewing and knitting being worked on at home over the coming months!


As the weather has turned really cold, just a wee reminder to send the children in with jackets, hats and gloves, they are always outdoors for playtime and at lunch break unless the weather makes it unsafe to do so.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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