Scottish Book Week

This week we have been celebrating Scottish Book Week across the school.

Our allocated STEMaStory was One Button Benny. The children created a friend for Benny using the metal loose parts.

In our writing lesson this week, we wrote about the friend for Benny that we created, giving him or her a name and describing them.

Outdoors, we created vehicles for Benny to travel in when he could not use his Boost Button.

On Wednesday, we walked to the library where we listened to the BookBag books and then voted on our favourite – we gave them 6 votes each so couldn’t choose our favourite, we just love all stories in P1a!

Today we jpined the author and illustrator Debi Gliori for a live drawing lesson. We learned to use graphite pencils to create penguins. Then we listened to Debi Gliori reading one of her stories.

We love spending time with our P6 Buddies and we were so excited when our buddies came to read to us today.


I hope you have enjoyed this special Book Week edition of our blog and look forward to catching up with all the news on Monday.

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